Weather in Mijas

Sábado 12/10/2024


Mijas adapts the timetable of municipal workers to avoid heat stroke

  • A measure that masons, gardeners, workers or painters, among other trades, will take advantage of during the extremely hot days
  • The measure is aimed at bricklayers, gardeners, labourers and painters, among other trades.

The Town Hall has recently approved a procedure for action during episodes of extreme temperatures in exterior activities

The Health and Safety Committee of the Mijas Town Hall has recently approved its procedure during episodes of extreme temperatures in outdoor work, which limits, among other things, the working hours of municipal employees in order to avoid heat stroke. 

"With this procedure, we will avoid unnecessary risks to our workers, even more so in these days when our town has reached very high temperatures", says the councillor for Human Resources, Laura Moreno (PSOE), who has specified that "the working hours have been reduced and the working day has been brought forward to avoid hours of exposure to the sun for those employees who work outdoors, such as bricklayers, electricians, gardeners, festival staff, painters or forestry workers, and thermal water bottles have been distributed, among other measures". 

Therefore, and as established in the procedure for action, a work plan will be established for the activities affected by alerts due to high temperatures, which will include the people affected and the preventive measures to be applied based on the different tasks they carry out. 

These measures include limiting outdoor working hours to avoid or reduce exposure during the central hours of the day. If during the course of work, symptoms compatible with heat stroke are identified, the work will be stopped immediately and the prevention measures established to guarantee the health and safety of workers must be reassessed. "We apply these measures every day during the summer period, not only when there are alerts for high temperatures, because it is very important for this government team to guarantee the safety of our municipal workers at all times", adds Moreno. 


Other preventive measures included in the procedure are to set up shaded rest areas and take breaks more frequently, to constantly hydrate, wear loose, breathable clothing and apply sunscreen and renew it regularly, among others. In the event of any suspicion of heat stroke, it is recommended to call 112. 

Finally, the local authority reminds municipal staff who are exposed to the sun that hats and caps, sunscreen SPF50+ are available, both in dispensers installed in the different work centres and in individual containers, as well as safety glasses with sun protection (UNE-EN-172).

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