Weather in Mijas

Sábado 28/09/2024


Donations for Nueva Cultura del Desarrollo and Ángeles Malagueños de la Noche

Councillor Hipólito Zapico with representatives of Nueva Cultura del Desarrollo, the Superheroes Association and the Idiliq Foundation |

Delivery of the cheque to Ángeles Malagueños de la Noche |

It’s time for altruistic initiatives. In Mijas, several donations and charity events have taken place

The families that form part of the New Culture of Development Association received an early visit from Father Christmas on Thursday 22nd. The children received their gift thanks to the Idiliq Foundation and the association ‘Superheroes, a Child, a Smile’, who joined forces to get these toys to Lapland. Spiderman, who attended the presentation of the initiative on behalf of ‘Superheroes, a Child, a Smile’, said that “we have brought 60 boxes of Lego so that they can be delivered to children who need extra help at Christmas”.

On the part of the Idiliq Foundation, its president, Juan Miguel Marcos, pointed out that “we try to collaborate with Nueva Cultura del Desarrollo as much as possible”.

For his part, the councillor for Social Services in Mijas, Hipólito Zapico (PSOE), said that “we are aware of the close relationship enjoyed between the Idiliq Foundation and the Superheroes Association, who in addition to donating these toys, have provided more than 60 kilos of sweets that will help to brighten up the Christmas holidays  for these children”.

On the other hand, the Idiliq Foundation has collaborated with Ángeles Malagueños de la Noche with 500 Christmas menus, which will benefit 2,500 users of this social dining room in Malaga on Christmas Eve. “Their help is very important, because we don’t have subsidies, so we are raising awareness”, said Antonio Meléndez, honorary president of Ángeles Malagueños de la Noche.

The president of the Idiliq Foundation said he felt “reassured that our donation has an essential destination and will allow many to celebrate Christmas as they should”.

Finally, the councillor for Social Services, also present at the symbolic delivery of these menus, valued “the fantastic work done by Idiliq, to whom we turn for support and they always respond accordingly”.

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