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The main Las Lagunas football ground is now named 'Juan Gambero Culebra'

  • The football world pays tribute to the founder of the Las Lagunas Sports Association and the former Mijas Sports Councillor from 1999 to 2007

The football world pays tribute to the founder of the Las Lagunas Sports Association and the former Mijas Sports Councillor from 1999 to 2007 |

All the Club Polideportivo Mijas-Las Lagunas football teams were presented at the tribute ceremony

Emotion, applause, thanks and much affection for the Juan Gambero Culebra figure. He was the Las Lagunas Sports Association President for 25 years and a Mijas Town Councillor from 1999 to 2007. That was the atmosphere on the afternoon of Thursday, the 20th, at the Ciudad Deportiva Regino Hernández Martín main ground. The football ground will henceforth bear the name of this local man, a notable promoter of local sports in our municipality, as approved at the September plenary session.
For this reason, coinciding with the presentation of the teams that make up the Club Polideportivo Mijas-Las Lagunas, the Town Hall wanted to organise a ceremony in his honour. It culminated with the unveiling of the new name of the ground. "We understood this was a well-deserved tribute that everyone will remember Juan Gambero in the coming years. They will wonder what he did for football in Las Lagunas in time, and we will all have the opportunity to remember him in this field", said Major Josele Gonzalez (PSOE). The Councillor for Sports, Andrés Ruiz (Cs), for his part, highlighted Juan's ability "to work hard at the basics, to take the kids who were playing football in the street, bring them to the field and give them a projection, an opportunity, a sporting venue and this is what is today the CP Mijas-Las Lagunas".

Gambero, promoting Youth and sports facilities improvements
Along with the municipal representatives and the players, Juan Gambero was accompanied by members of the club's directors. The president, José Manuel Quero, said he was proud to "continue working with the same philosophy that Juan had set out. That is our secret to continue working as we do and to continue growing as we are doing".
 Visibly moved, Juan Gambero Culebra took the stage to receive a plaque recognising his figure. Mijas Comunicación produced a documentary about his career linked to the sport world that was screened during the event. "I am delighted that the ground is named after me now, and I would like to thank all those who thought of it," he said.
Juan recalled, for example, how he worked years ago for La Cala to have a proper football field. "I spoke to the Mayor because the important thing is for the children to enjoy the grass football grounds as our neighbours had them and we didn't. That's where I started," he recalled.
Of course, his family was not absent from the tribute. Wife, children and grandchildren did not want to miss this special recognition. One of his sons, Juan Gambero, expressed his gratitude that "this tribute is paid while he is alive, that he is able to enjoy it". About his father, he highlighted "the will he has for everything, as is a person who gets very much involved in what does. The example is the legacy that left us as we are enjoying ourselves thanks to the work he has done here".

 The Socialist municipal group spokesman, Roy Pérez, congratulated Juan, "a person who represents all those values we are passing on to the children today. He has done many things for Las Lagunas and the whole municipality, and we had to thank him for that". The Ciudadanos Mijas spokesman, José Carlos Martín, pointed out, "it has been a well-deserved tribute. This football ground was practically his creation and will remain for posterity with his name. We thank Juan and his family for everything he did for Las Lagunas football". The Popular Councillor Carmen Márquez said, "he is a fighter who loves his town.  Everybody knows him and deserves to have this football ground named after him, so congratulations from the bottom of our hearts".
 In this way, family, friends, municipal representatives, colleagues and numerous people linked to the local football world shared with Juan Gambero an afternoon that will remain in their memory.

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