Weather in Mijas

Viernes 27/09/2024


The PP obtained 58 MPs and 43,13 % of the votes

  • The PSOE loses three seats, and Cs disappear from Parliament. The left-wing coalitions fall, and Vox gains two more seats
  • Andalusian election results |

The Partido Popular won the 19J regional elections with an absolute majority, obtaining 43.13% of the votes

The Partido Popular won the 19J regional elections with an absolute majority, obtaining 43.13% of the votes, and 58 MPs in a chamber of 109 seats. In this way, the Popular Party candidate for the Presidency of the Andalusian Regional Government, Juanma Moreno Bonilla, will be able to govern alone without depending on other political parties. The Popular leader has also made history in his party as he had never before achieved an absolute majority in this community. The best result was achieved by his colleague Javier Arenas in 2012. He obtained 50 MPs and was the most voted party but failed to form a government.

The PSOE loses two parliamentarians from 30 to 33, and 24.09% of the votes. A result that keeps it as the second political force. Vox has up to two MPs (14) and has 13.46% of the votes. The left-wing coalitions, 'Por Andalucía', and 'Adelante Andalucía', have lost strength, and from the 17 seats they obtained together in 2018, the former is down to five, and the latter to two. 'Ciudadanos' is one of the news as it has been left out of Parliament. After these elections, it lost the 21 deputies it obtained four years ago.

At the provincial level, the PP goes from four deputies to 10; the PSOE maintains the four of 2018; Vox the two of the previous elections, and 'Por Andalucía' achieves the seat for its candidate to the Junta, Inmaculada Nieto. 'Ciudadanos' and 'Adelante Andalucía' are not represented. In Mijas, the PP doubled its votes to 44.11%, the PSOE lost 1.71 points to 18.91%, and Vox increased 2.52 points to 16.45%. 'Por Andalucía', 6.71 %; Cs, 5.28 % and 'Adelante Andalucía', 4.11 %.

  • Andalusian election results in Mijas |


The President of the PP Mijas, Ángel Nozal, in declarations to Mijas Communication, said he was "surprised by the results in some sense but not in others. Surprised because they [the polls] gave us 50-52, but in the end, it seems that it is an absolute majority. And no, as in the streets, at least in Mijas, Fuengirola, and Marbella, something was visible. This has to be translated into humility, calm, tranquillity, and doing things well with those who have wanted to make a pact with the PP, who have been the Andalusians in the majority".

The PSOE General-Secretary in Mijas, Josele González, affirmed that "the PP has been able to channel a more moderate message over the last three and a half years, and the results are there. The transfer of parliamentarians from 'Ciudadanos' to the PP has been a fact. We must add that the project of our candidate, Juan Espadas, was the first time he was running in an election, with the handicap, moreover, of not being in the Andalusian Parliament. Fortunately, we have a long-term project based on this. The PP, with an absolute majority, needs to have a firm, strong opposition behind it, so as not to leave the PP hands-free, which is facing this result for the first time".
The spokesperson for 'Unidas Podemos' in Mijas (Por Andalucía), Antonio Fortes, pointed out that "the majority of the PP is due to the media action, which is fundamental. There was no front page that did not have Moreno Bonilla as President, and then, we see that the [left-wing] coalition has had no effect. Our objective was to maintain the prospects we had around ten Parliament members. The division of this coalition, which has not been able to consolidate with 'Adelante Andalucía', which was very good, has worn us down.

For his part, the spokesman for ‘Ciudadanos Mijas’, José Carlos Martín, said: "We have to be proud of some of the work that has been carried out in these four years in the Junta de Andalucía. Unfortunately, the citizens have chosen, and they don´t think the same way as us. They have decided in this case that the Partido Popular will be the one to govern alone. We leave with our heads held high. I believe the work carried out by the 'Ciudadanos' departments and the 'Ciudadanos' government and the Partido Popular in Andalusia has been an example".

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