Weather in Mijas

Sábado 04/01/2025


The new rental aid Ordinance will come into force in May

  • The new document, which is currently on display, will come into force in May and includes several new features |

Mijas Town Hall allocates almost 500,000 euros to this aid, which will benefit 300 Mijas families

Mijas Town Hall has updated the rental aid ordinance to bring it in line with the new reality of the property market. The new document, which is currently on display, will come into force in May and includes several new features. "For the Mijas Town Hall, rental aid is a priority, that is why we allocate almost half a million euros aid every year, and it affects some 300 families in the municipality, who benefit from this subsidy," said the Social Services Councillor, Hipólito Zapico (PSOE).

  • Hipólito Zapico, Councillor for Social Services, reported on the new developments |

The main novelty lies in the maximum amounts granted by this municipal area. In this sense, the aid amount per economic cohabitation unit will be 50% of the monthly rent to be paid for their usual dwelling rent, with a maximum limit of 3,600 euros per year, and 4,200 euros per year for economic cohabitation units consisting of a number of members equal to or greater than five. The new framework also extends the scale linked to the IPREM.

Another of the revised aspects refers to the rent payment receipts, as from its entry into force, as stated in the new Ordinance, "cash payment receipts will not be accepted", said Zapico, who clarified that "only rent payment receipts through the bank will be valid. It must expressly state, at least, the recipient, the concept and the monthly payment to which they refer".

The third novelty focuses on the census: applicants must be registered, and effectively residing in the Mijas municipality, for at least five years, immediately prior to the date of application, and not three years as at present. However, this rule provides for exceptions, as long as the social worker justifies that it is an "extraordinary duly motivated situation".  

Finally, the Councillor stressed that "only expenses referring to a maximum of twelve monthly payments, immediately prior to the application submission date will be subsidised", and added that "this aid consists of a single financial benefit, intended to cover expenses related to the usual dwelling rent". In other words, this aid can only be applied once per fiscal year, and expenses for services (electricity, water, internet, etc...) are excluded.

(Download application form).


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