Weather in Mijas

Lunes 13/01/2025


Jiménez (AM): “The first three positions are occupied by empowered women"

  • Esperanza Jiménez, Alternativa Mijeña

Alternativa Mijeña is a party with 20 years of history in municipal politics and many proposals

Mijas Weekly. Your party already has experience in municipal elections. 

Esperanza Jiménez. We have run on several occasions. I’ve been in the party for 12 years. 

M.W. In 2019 you joined with Podemos, but not now.

E.J. There were other circumstances. This time we are going alone and there are independents on our list. We are a local party.  

M.W. You defend that your party has many women.

E.J. The first 3 positions are occupied by women because that is what the militancy wanted; 3 empowered women, ready to change Mijas.

M.W. What can you tell us about the people who accompany you on the list?

E.J. Irene Ríos is a biologist and Rocío Bautista is a scientist. They are very qualified. 

M.W. The Alternativa Mijeña campaign began before the 12th of May with the pasting of posters.

E.J. We have been working for 20 years and we continue to do so. We are in constant contact with the citizens and we are concerned about their opinion.

M.W. What measures does Alternativa Mijeña propose? 

E.J. We want the drafting of the PGOU to be consistent with climate change and for that we propose 32 neighbourhood parks instead of a mega park, which costs 32 million. As for culture, the creation of the Casa del Arte in the 3 nuclei. We also propose a reduction in politicians’ salaries, which would remain at an ethical salary of 2,000 euros per month, with the obligation to present a report on their work. We would save a million a year.

M.W. Is Alternativa Mijeña willing to make a pact?

E.J. We will see on the 29th and as long as it coincides with our programme.

M.W. A last message?

E.J. We are like you, we try to make ends meet and we get up early to go to work. We are concerned about climate change, the lack of housing for young people. That’s why we are asking you to vote because in Mijas we have Esperanza (Hope).

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