Weather in Mijas

Viernes 07/03/2025


Maldonado (PMP): "Por Mi Pueblo brings listening to the ‘mijeños' to municipal politics"

  • Juan Carlos Maldonado, Por Mi Pueblo

Por Mi Pueblo, which is running for the first time, says that the important element it brings to municipal politics is to listen to the people of Mijas

Por Mi Pueblo, which is running in the elections for the first time, says that the important element it brings to municipal politics is to listen to the people of Mijas. 

Mijas Weekly. You say that it is a group not subject to the interests of the parties. 

Juan Carlos Maldonado. The ideology is municipal management because the citizens seek solutions.

M.S. You bring proposals such as a fire station, an employment plan? Which is most important? 

J.C.M. All of them are key because they have arisen from citizen participation. The important element that Por Mi Pueblo brings to municipal politics is to listen to the people of Mijas because they are the ones who should be in charge. This has given rise to sanitary staff in schools or the ambulance in Mijas Pueblo. 

M.S. You have gone door to door... 

J.C.M. We have articulated the programme listening to the people, the groups, and understanding that a political party has to be useful. 

M.S. In your team you have surrounded yourself with well-known people.

J.C.M. Not only well-known, but recognised and trustworthy. There are leading figures wishing to participate in politics to change reality. 

M.S. Tell us about the employment plan for 5,000 jobs.  

J.C.M. Those who generate employment are the employers. Therefore, we have to set up a system of agreements with them so that they can hire.

M.S. You once belonged to the PSOE, then Ciudadanos... What would happen if offered a pact between these parties or PP? 

J.C.M. I belonged to parties because obviously when you stand for election you want to be the mayor. My ambition is to respond to the needs of my neighbours. My commitment, my pact, is with Mijas and we will see on the 28th depending on the results. 

M.S. A last message? 

J.C.M. Ours is the ballot that is going to allow the people of Mijas to achieve the objective of transformation, of improvement, that in Mijas you are in charge.

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