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The Lions Club informs in Mijas Pueblo about its diabetes prevention campaign

  • Volunteers from the group have carried out free glucose tests for locals and visitors
  • In Spain, the disease affects more than 5.3 million people

Coinciding with World Diabetes Day, a healthy walk will take place in La Cala de la Cala on Sunday 14 November

Volunteers from the Lions Club of La Cala came to Mijas Pueblo last Friday to inform about their diabetes prevention campaign and to do glucose tests for neighbours and visitors, all free of charge. Through this initiative, the group aims to raise awareness that diabetes is a widespread disease that, in Spain alone, affects more than 5.3 million people. However, half of them do not even know it. ¨For this reason, this support group wants to raise awareness of this disease, which can affect any type of person, regardless of age, but especially those who do not maintain a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and hardly do any sport", insisted the Councillor for the Department of Foreigners of Mijas Town Hall, Arancha López (Cs), who visited the tent set up by the Lions Club in the Plaza Virgen de la Peña today.
About the disease, the head of the diabetes group of the Lions Club of La Cala, Anne Bowles, explained that in the Mijas group they have "children between 2 and 7 years old with type 1 diabetes, although the most widespread is type 2 diabetes, more frequent in older people". Bowles also pointed out the importance of controlling glucose levels to avoid major problems such as kidney failure, neuropathy, heart problems, and even blindness. The group also offers a helpline for anyone interested in joining the group, via telephone at 607 879 450 and email

  • World Diabetes Day is commemorated on 14 November


Move against Diabetes

On the occasion of World Diabetes Day, which is commemorated on the 14th of November, the Lions Club of La Cala will again set up information tables during the next week and in different parts of the municipality. In addition, on Sunday 14th there will be a walk 'Muévete contra la diabetes', which will start from the Plaza del Torreón (La Cala) at 11 am. "We expect a turnout of more than 200 people, and it will be a very entertaining morning, in which we will also have music, Zumba sessions and medieval battles," concluded Bowles.

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