Weather in Mijas

Viernes 07/03/2025


The Mijas Town Hall adds ten new officers to the Local Police Force

La alcaldesa de Mijas, Ana Mata, el concejal de Seguridad Ciudadana, Juan Carlos Cuevas Dawson, y el jefe de la Policía Local, Juan Manuel Rosas, con los agentes.

La toma de posesión de los nuevos agentes de la Policía Local ha tenido lugar este miércoles en el Salón de Plenos del Ayuntamiento.

Los nuevos agentes han estado acompañados de familiares y amigos para la ocasión.

Momento de la toma de posesión de uno de los agentes, José Daniel Lozano.

Entre el grupo se encuentra una agente, María Ramos.

Juan José Fernández tomando posesión de su cargo.

Javier Tejón, saludando a la regidora mijeña tras tomar posesión de su cargo.

Los responsables municipales y de la Policía Local han felicitado a los agentes su incorporación a la plantilla.

Thanks to the new personnel, the Mijas security force now has a total of 147 police officers

The mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), accompanied by the councillor for Public Safety, Juan Carlos Cuevas Dawson (Vox), presided over the swearing in ceremony of new officers of the Local Police on the morning of Wednesday 18th. Ten new officers joined the local police force, which brings the total number of officers serving in the municipality to 147.

The new officers have joined after obtaining their posts through the open seat system. Subsequently they have participated in a training course at the Institute of Emergencies and Public Safety of Andalusia, as well as internships to complete their training. Having passed the whole process, they are now taking up their duties as local police officers. “A new stage has begun, but with the same enthusiasm as during these months of training. It’s a dream come true and we have to carry on with it”, said the officer María Ramos after taking up her post. Diego Valencia, also already a member of the Mijas Local Police, agrees with his colleague that “it is a dream come true, the profession I have wanted since I was a child and today it has become a reality. The truth is that being able to share it with family and friends is a source of pride”. Both say that “from now on we will work with great enthusiasm to give the people of Mijas the service they deserve, let’s hope we can live up to it”. 

In this respect, the mayoress assured that one of her priorities and those of the government team is to improve the human and material resources available to the Local Police, as she described this body as essential for the progress of the municipality. “Being a local police officer is much more than a job, it is a way of life that is based on sacrifice and a vocation for public service, something that goes beyond just keeping a timetable. For this reason, and because I know how dedicated you are, I can only thank you for your choice”, she explained during her speech. 

For his part, Cuevas Dawson stressed that the incorporation of these new officers is an important step forward for the security and peace of mind of families in Mijas. “These ten new police officers come to reinforce the daily work already done by our officers, ensuring safety in the streets, in our neighbourhoods and in the daily lives of all Mijeños”, said the councillor.

To conclude, the councillor reaffirmed the “commitment” of the government team with the security of Mijas and stressed that from the area of Public Safety they will continue to work “so that our Local Police can perform their valuable role in the best conditions, because ensuring order and peace of mind for our families is and will remain a priority”. 

Civil Guard

Both the mayoress and the councillor for Public Safety recalled that the Mijas government team has repeatedly demanded the central government to increase the number of troops in the town. Both Ana Mata and Juan Carlos Cuevas Dawson referred to the provision of the Civil Guard, as well as the means of this force so that they can ensure the safety of the Mijeños “in the best conditions”. “We have a significant lack of resources regarding the State Security Forces and Corps. We only have half the number of Civil Guard personnel that we should have”, said Cuevas Dawson, who added that “we will continue to demand the Ministry to provide us with the Civil Guard we need”. For her part, the mayoress pointed out that “this demand has to be taken into account by the national government, which is responsible for ensuring that Mijas has the troops to guarantee the security we deserve”.  Currently there are approximately 160 officers, the government team believes that this should be reinforced with a hundred more. 

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