Weather in Mijas

Lunes 07/10/2024


Mijas, united with an Irish association that works against suicide

  • El concejal de Extranjeros, Mario Bravo, con el grupo de PIPS, que ha visitado el Ayuntamiento.

The town is joining forces with PIPS Hope & Support, an Irish association founded in 2003 that works to prevent suicide

To commemorate World Mental Health Day, on Tuesday 1st, the Town Hall read out a manifesto calling for measures to be put in place to promote mental health. In this context, the Irish association PIPS Hope & Support, which focuses on suicide prevention, visited our town as each year it organises the Camino Costa initiative, which takes its members on a five-day walking tour around different parts of Andalusia to raise awareness of their cause. On this occasion they have chosen Malaga and the Senda Azul. Thanks to this initiative, they raise funds to finance their different programmes. “This walk is a very individual experience, but also a group experience, as walking helps to improve mental health, most of them are people who have lost family members”, explained Maria Ferguson, who is in charge of fundraising. 

  • El acto ha tenido lugar en el salón de plenos del Ayuntamiento.

The group that visited Mijas on Thursday 3rd was made up, for the most part, of people who have lost a family member to suicide. The councillor for Foreigners, Mario Bravo (PP), was in charge of welcoming them in the Town Hall auditorium and explained the institution’s commitment to suicide prevention. “Although we are not responsible for the lives of municipal workers, we do want to take care of this matter, at least for the time they spend working here eache week”, said Bravo, who added that “they were very pleased to see that they are not alone in this fight, that there are many people working to prevent suicide, which is a silent illness that is often unknown to the patient himself”. 

  • Bravo, durante la recepción a la expedición de esta asociación irlandesa.

The group expressed its gratitude and presented a plaque in recognition of the work carried out by the Town Hall in this matter. “In this fight we are late, we are few, it has to be all of us, we have to fight harder, this has to end and the way to do it is by taking care of mental health from the first symptoms and for that we need money, specialist people and will”, Bravo added. 

  • La asociación le ha hecho entrega el Ayuntamiento de una placa en reconocimiento a la labor que se realiza desde la institución en materia de prevención del suicidio.

PIPS Hope And Support  was founded by the family of Seamas McCabe, a 20-year-old who took his own life in 2003. With the aim of offering support, strength and hope, the association was born. “It does a lot of work to help people who have lost family members to suicide, we provide emotional and also financial support”, said PIPS fundraiser Maria Ferguson. 

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