Weather in Mijas

Lunes 07/10/2024


The Junta highlights the "enormous effort" made to provide Mijas with a new high school

  • "It is the municipality of Malaga that has received the greatest investment for educational infrastructure since 2019 with 23.5 million euros
  • The delegate of the Andalusian Government, Patricia Navarro, visited the IES Ana Carmona Veleta, a centre that has nearly 600 students
  • Navarro visitó el nuevo instittuto junto al delegado de Educación, la alcaldesa de Mijas y la directora del centro.

Navarro: "The safety of our students and teachers has been our main priority throughout the whole process"

The delegate of the Andalusian Regional Government in Malaga, Patricia Navarro, visited the Ana Carmona ‘Veleta’ secondary school in Las Lagunas last week. Navarro, who was accompanied by the delegate for Educational Development and Vocational Training, Miguel Briones; the mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP); and the director of the centre, Encarnación Gutiérrez, highlighted the "enormous effort that has been made by the Andalusian Government to ensure that the new IES Ana Carmona 'Veleta’ has been operational since the beginning of the current school year".

Navarro stressed the importance of "making the completion of the works compatible with the safe use of the centre by students and teaching staff, guaranteeing the safety of the educational community at all times". The delegate added that the priority of the Andalusian government "was to open the centre in time for the students to be able to start the school year normally, and we have managed to make this possible, maintaining all the necessary safety measures". The delegate assured that "the works will be finished very soon, the company has taken on this commitment and we are confident that by the end of the year we will be able to see the project completely finished. Until then, we have worked hard to ensure that the facilities are safe and functional to use".

From the regional administration, the centre has a certificate of partial occupation, which has allowed both the first and second floor of the building to be operational, in these are the classrooms and administrative offices of the school, "guaranteeing its functioning while the pending work is completed", said the delegate, who insisted that "the safety of our students and teachers has been our main priority throughout the process. The first two floors are fully operational and, with the partial occupation certificate, we have ensured that the students can begin their classes normally, without risk".

  • Una de las aulas del IES Ana Carmona Veleta.

Investment in education 

The new IES Ana Carmona Veleta has had an investment of almost 7.2 million euros (7,159,590.65 euros), "it is the largest centre of its kind built in Andalusia", said the delegate, who recalled that Mijas "has suffered for many years a huge deficit in educational infrastructure. In Mijas, the last school centre built was in 2008".

From the Junta, they also affirm "that Mijas has been the municipality in the province where the Regional Ministry has made the greatest investment effort since 2019, with 23.5 million euros, in 11 actions for the construction, expansion and adaptation of centres". Investment that "makes Mijas the third municipality in investment in Andalusia since 2019", according to the regional government. 

  • Encarnación Gutiérrez, directora del centro, fue la encargada de guiarles durante la visita.

The largest school of its category in Andalusia

This school follows the D6 model, initially designed to accommodate Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) with six groups per year. The centre also has four Bachillerato groups, making it the largest centre of its kind in Andalusia. Navarro pointed out that "the infrastructure is not only prepared to respond to current needs, but it also contemplates the future growth of educational demand in the area".

The school currently has 569 students and 47 teachers. All the classrooms of the groups transferred to the new building were previously located in the CEIP Indira Ghandi, which is annexed to the new construction. In the case of ESO, the centre has four units in 1st ESO, three in 2nd ESO, three in 3rd ESO and four in 4th ESO. As for the Baccalaureate, it is distributed in two units for 1st Baccalaureate, a mixed unit of Science and Technology together with Social Sciences and Humanities, and another pure unit of Social Sciences and Humanities. For 2nd Baccalaureate, there are two pure units, one of Science and Technology and the other of Social Sciences and Humanities.

In April 2024, the Junta de Andalucía and the Mijas Town Hall signed the transfer of the 7,500 square metre plot where the centre is now located. "This type of project is only possible when there is a close collaboration between the administrations. The transfer of the plot of land by the Town Hall has been crucial for us to be able to have this educational centre today, a clear example that when we work together, we achieve great progress for our municipalities", concluded Navarro during her visit to Mijas.

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