Narcotics Anonymous has resumed its meetings in Mijas and would like to remind citizens who find themselves in a situation of addiction that the group meets at the Cáritas headquarters in Las Lagunas, on Calle Río Las Pasadas.
Narcotics Anonymous began in the United States in the 1940s and today groups and communities have spread all over the world. They attend to people suffering from any kind of addiction. In Mijas, on Thursdays from 20 to 21 hours men and women meet to deal with their addictions, without any hierarchy between them, they help each other.

- El apoyo mutuo es un pilar fundamental entre los miembros de Narcóticos Anónimos.
- | N. Luque
"There is no authority, absolutely none, they are all companions, they help each other, the only added value they may have is that they have been in recovery longer and therefore have listened to more people and more stories", explained Isabe, collaborator of the organisation
The group calls itself Zapatos Nuevos (New Shoes) and was created 25 years ago, the pandemic broke them up and now they are back welcoming everyone who needs help. It is full of stories like Juan's: "I am an addict, I am recovering in Narcotics Anonymous and my relationship with substances alters my mind, I have used everything". Juan is recovering with his support group and appreciates the help of the programme. For more information please email or call 611 506 165.
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