The corporation, in plenary session, has definitively approved the General Budget of the Mijas Town Hall for this year, which amounts to 133.6 million euros. It did so in the ordinary session for the month of February, held on Monday 10th of March, with the votes in favour of the government team (PP, Vox and PMP) and against, the opposition (PSOE and Cs). On the same point, the amendments presented were also rejected.
The councillor for Economy and Finance of the Mijas Town Hall, Mario Bravo (PP), explained that they have “preferred to make a generous budget in all areas of expenditure, especially in social services, scholarships and aid” leaving “the investments for this year for when the budget is settled and the surplus is presented at the next plenary session”, specifying that it will be at the end of March when it will be presented, coinciding with the next ordinary session.
Bravo made this statement following criticism from Ciudadanos, who complained about the lack of investment in these budgets. For the spokesman of the orange party, José Carlos Martín, these are “budgets in which doubts arise in the income and in which you again innovate in the chapter of investments, postponing them to the future”. “It is very difficult for a municipal group such as ours to have approved these budgets at the time and to vote in favour of them again today”, concluded the councillor.
The PSOE, for its part, considered that “this is the second year that a budget has been presented outside the law with unfavourable reports from the comptroller’s office”, said the spokesman for the socialists, Roy Pérez “we talk about the revenue too and you say that we are alluding slightly to the urban development fast buck. If the forecast triples in planning permission and building permits, when we have the same staff, a precarious housing situation... it means that in some developer’s office today they are opening the champagne”, added the PSOE spokesman.
Before the vote, the mayoress of the city, Ana Mata (PP), asked Pérez not to accuse “this government team saying that there are developers who are uncorking bottles because you have done nothing to modify, to change this urban development plan that foresees growth”. “The fact that they do not come with favourable reports does not mean that they are illegal, and if they are illegal, I encourage you to go to court and report it”, added the mayoress, who also wanted to qualify the opposition’s criticism regarding the 9 million euros of income foreseen for 2024 for the occupation of the plots during 2022, 2023 and 2024 where the music festival in La Cala de Mijas was held, which did not result, although in the end 129 million euros were contemplated in the budget and 130 million euros were received. “Those nine million euros of public prices is an issue that is pending in this Town Hall and that corresponds to the time when you managed the Cala Fest”, said the mayoress.
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