Weather in Mijas

Viernes 21/02/2025


The remodelling of three streets in Las Lagunas continues at a good pace

  • El edil de Servicios Operativos, Daniel Gómez Teruel, ha visitado este martes la calle Río Ardachón.

Once the work on Calle Río Ardachón has been completed, it will continue on Calle Churumbel and Calle Guadalbarbo

The Mijas Town Hall continues with the street renovation plan. In Las Lagunas, work is coming to an end on Calle Río Ardachón, where 50,000 euros have been invested in changing the pavement and improving accessibility and street lighting in an area of 250 square metres. “We are almost finished with the work on this street, Ardachón, and we will continue next on Corumbel and Guadalbarbo streets”, explained the councillor for Operational Services, Daniel Gómez Teruel (PP), who added that the aim is “to upgrade all the streets. We are improving the pavements, accessibility and wiring so that we don’t have or suffer power cuts that sometimes occur due to the age and deterioration of the infrastructure”. 

  • Los trabajos han consistido, entre otras actuaciones, en la renovación del acerado y la eliminación de barreras arquitectónicas.

Gómez Teruel also explained that “all the pavements have been changed, to create a more uniform image of the municipality, and the accessibility of the car parks and commercial premises has also been changed. It was a demand from neighbours and businesses and we have done it as soon as we could. The truth is that we are very satisfied with the work carried out”, said the councillor. 

These works will continue in the nearby streets, Corumbel and Guadalbarbo. In total, the investment in the remodelling of the three streets will reach 150,000 euros and will cover 750 square metres. The execution period for the three streets is six months. The councillor for Operational Services recalls that the aim is to achieve a city with a uniform aesthetic, renewed infrastructures and which is, above all, accessible. 

  • Gómez Teruel comprobando el estado de los trabajos ya finalizados.

Accessible city 

Throughout 2024, around 470,000 euros were invested in improvements of this type in streets in Mijas Pueblo, Las Lagunas and La Cala. Actions were carried out in areas such as the La Cala boulevard, Avenida de la Sierrezuela and Calle Torrox, among others. 

This type of action includes the replacement of the existing paving, the elimination of architectural barriers and the improvement of street lighting. “This government team is committed to improving accessibility, we want to make the municipality more accessible for everyone. The actions are always done with this in mind, to remove architectural barriers so that it is easier to move around”, concluded Gómez Teruel. 

  • Las próximas vías en las que se intervendrá serán las calles Corumbil y Guadalbarbo.

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