The artist from Estepona, Ana Fargas, was in charge of inaugurating the cycle ‘Sábado flamenco en tu peña' of the Peña Flamenca Unión del Cante. She did so in front of a large audience. "She is a singer-songwriter, flamenco singer, actress and teacher, she has her own academy in Estepona. She is very involved in flamenco and our culture, she has an impressive curriculum, theatre plays, she has directed and performed her own shows and also takes to the stage, as in this case, with her husband and artistic partner, Paco Javier Jimeno", said Diego Morilla, president of the peña in Las Lagunas. This initiative, said Morilla, has several purposes: "to spread flamenco and to bring people closer to our peña".
February flamenco
February is full of activities, "the next performance is on February 8th, at 22 hours with Alfredo Tejada on vocals and Carlos Haro on guitar, accompanied on hand clapping and percussion by David Galiano and José Antonio Rojas", added Morilla. The Peña Flamenca Unión del Cante will also celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday 14th, "there will be a dinner, which is done every year, and then there will be a performance by the group Meraki". On Saturday 22nd, there will be a performance by the local artist Ismael Tamayo and on Friday 28th, the month will close with the celebration of the Día de Andalucía, "at midday we will have 'migas', which will be prepared by the former president Manuel Cortés and then there will be performances by the Coro Unión del Cante, the students of the Peña's guitar and vocals workshop and the students of the dance teacher Claudia Leiva", concluded Morilla.
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