Weather in Mijas

Sábado 15/03/2025


The Mijas Town Hall proposes a budget of more than 133 million euros for 2025

  • The areas of Social Inclusion, Family and Equal Opportunities and Senior Citizens add up to more than 6,367,000 euros
  • More than 4,800,000 euros will go to Cleanliness and almost 6 million euros to Parks and Gardens
  • Among its objectives are the freezing of taxes, not generating debt and a model of responsible management of public resources
  • La alcaldesa de Mijas, Ana Mata, con los tenientes de alcalde Juan Carlos Cuevas Dawson (izqda.) y Juan Carlos Maldonado (1º dcha.), y el edil de Hacienda, Mario Bravo.

The mayoress, Ana Mata, stated that these accounts reflect the ‘commitment’ of the government team to the development and welfare of the neighbours

The mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), together with the deputy mayors Juan Carlos Cuevas Dawson (Vox) and Juan Carlos Maldonado (PMP), as well as the councillor for Economy and Finance, Mario Bravo (PP), presented on Wednesday 15th the proposed budget for 2025, which will be presented for initial approval at the extraordinary municipal plenary session to be held on January 17th, starting at 08:30 hours, and which Mijas Comunicación will be broadcasting live. 

These budgets, which will have balanced income and expenditure, amount to a consolidated sum of 133,608,965.38 euros compared to 129,687,168.70 euros in 2024, that is to say, they reflect an increase of 3.02%. The government team stresses that they include "significant" items such as Social Inclusion, Family and Equal Opportunities and the Senior Citizens. 

Mata said that these municipal accounts are a true reflection of the "commitment" of the government team "to offer citizens stability, rigour and credibility. A model of responsible management of public resources and that place the Mijeños at the epicentre of municipal activity. The budgets are based on prudence, realism and control of public spending. They also reflect a commitment to balanced budgets and financial sustainability". 

In this sense, the mayoress stressed that the ultimate objective of this budget proposal is the permanent improvement of the quality of life of citizens, as evidenced, said the Executive, the items allocated to Cleaning (4,802,657.89 euros, ie 11% more), Parks and Gardens (5,830,741.01 euros, with an increase of more than 206%) and Urban Mobility and Transport (1,341,900.51 euros), among others. They also highlighted the amount allocated to the Sports Department, which will have an allocation of 4,477,525 euros (+37.47%) and Youth, which will increase from 188,028.66 euros to 355,000 euros (+88.80%).

Senior Citizens and Family

Mata highlighted, above all, the importance of social expenditure in the accounts for 2025. So much so that the amount earmarked for Social Inclusion will increase from 3,307,100 euros in 2024 to 4,709,400 euros in 2025, which represents an increase of 42.40%. For its part, the Senior Citizens Department will have an amount of 1,335,211.38 euros, i.e. 44.42% more, while Family and Equal Opportunities will have 323,001 euros, i.e. almost 130,000 euros more than the previous year, which represents an increase of 67.17%. This includes aid for childbirth.

The areas of New Technologies and the Environment have also seen a considerable increase in their financial allocations, with 2,481,054.62 euros and 430,718.03 euros, respectively. The mayoress also pointed out that there will be no increase in the tax burden. 

Coastal Path

After the general presentation of the strategic lines of the budget for 2025, the mayoress of Mijas highlighted some of the most significant planned actions. To begin with, the execution of the stretch of the Coastal Path which covers 5,300 metres and which is divided into two parts: one that runs from the Torreón square in La Cala to the El Sheriff restaurant and another that goes from the El Faro restaurant to Fuengirola. The project will involve an investment of more than five million euros and, according to the government team, the contract is about to be signed.

In this regard, the mayoress highlighted the budget allocated to the Department of Beaches, which for 2025 reaches an amount of 1,986,149.56 euros, representing almost 40% more compared to the previous year.

Social Inclusion

With regard to this area, she highlighted the 3,366,800 euros that will be allocated to home help, “an essential service for improving the quality of life of people in a situation of dependency and which has been without a contract since 2018”, said the mayoress, adding that families “can be at peace because this government team is there to look after their welfare and to ensure that they have basic care with all the guarantees”.


With regard to this department, she announced that the service for the execution of forestry work for the prevention of fires in public forests will have an annual budget of 266,928.78 euros. Mata recalled that this is a service that had never been put out to tender before and that it is essential for the maintenance of the Sierra de Mijas and, therefore, for the prevention of fires. 


Within this area, the amount allocated to the Transport Consortium rises to 851,145.56 euros, an increase of 36.60% which is explained, among other reasons, by the fact that line 119 (Calahonda-La Cala de Mijas-Fuengirola) will be maintained at weekends and by the extended timetable throughout the year and not limited exclusively to the summer months, as has been the case until now, something which for the mayoress makes no sense, “as it means leaving an important sector of the population without the possibility of connection and without public transport”.

In relation to this section, the Youth Department will allocate 180,000 euros to university transport grants, which will enable three announcements to be made during 2025, representing a 200% increase compared to what was included in the previous year’s accounts.


The Health Department has gone from a budget of 287,000 euros to 722,511 euros, thanks largely to the contract for the municipal collection of animals, treatment of cat colonies and veterinary service, ‘essential’, according to the Executive, to comply with the Animal Welfare Law and which, until now, had not been considered. We are talking about a budget of 482,135.03 euros. 

Festivities and Tourism

The area of Festivities and Traditions will have a budget of 2,750,431.61 euros, that is to say, 38.22% more than that allocated in 2024, while Tourism will see its budget increase to 523,702.52 euros.

After the breakdown of the different items, Mata said that throughout the year “it is expected to budget for new investment projects whose expenses are not currently committed, but which this government team intends to promote, using the treasury surplus for general expenses in 2024”. 

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