‘Laboratorio flamenco. Conectando emoción y movimiento’ (Flamenco Laboratory. Connecting emotion and movement) is the name of the monograph that will take place at the Manuel España Theatre. The councillor for Culture, Juan Carlos Maldonado (PMP), presented this initiative on Thursday 2nd, which was already previewed by Mijas Semanal in its previous edition and which aims to “bring the general public closer to flamenco through knowledge; to identify the different ‘palos’ (styles), choreographies, movement, ‘palmas’ (clapping), ‘compás’ (rhythm) and all the issues and values that flamenco has and which are so unknown to the general public; and, in turn, to serve as a tool to express emotions”.
The choreographer and flamenco expert Virginia Martín will be in charge of this workshop. “We are going to talk about each of the flamenco styles, about the emotions that are linked to each one of them; about how a style an be interpreted but also linked to an emotion so that a choreography can be created and these emotions can be transmitted through dance,which is what ultimately reaches people”.
The five workshops programmed are: ‘Emociones y palos del flamenco’ (Emotions and flamenco styles); ‘Compás, palmas y el sentir del movimiento’ (Rythm, hand-clapping and the feeling of movement); ‘Bailar el sentimiento’ (Dancing the feeling); ‘Nuevo flamenco’ (New flamenco); and ‘Laboratorio flamenco experimental’ (‘Experimental flamenco laboratory). They will be held on January 11th, 12th, 25th and 26th; February 8th, 9th, 22nd and 23rd; and March 8th and 9th; from 10:00 to 12:30. Virginia Martín pointed out that “it would be very interesting to participate in each and every one of them, but it is not necessary, because although they are related, they are independent workshops, so they can be done independently”.
Those interested can register by calling 952 590 380 or by e-mailing cultura@mijas.es.

- Cartel promocional de Laboratorio Flamenco.
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