Weather in Mijas

Miércoles 23/10/2024


The III Las Lagunas Tapa Route gets underway with the participation of 10 establishments

  • The gastronomic initiative kicked off last Saturday and will continue until November 30th
  • El concejal de Comercio, Juan Carlos Maldonado (3º dcha.), y la presidenta de la Federación de Asociaciones de Vecinos de Mijas, Charo Cortés (4ª dcha.), en la ruta |

The route is on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 13:00 to 15:30 hours and from 19:30 to 23:30 hours and you can enjoy a tapa and drink for 3.5 euros

The department of Commerce of the Mijas Town Hall and the Mijas Federation of Associations have promoted the III Las Lagunas Tapa Route, in which 10 establishments are taking part. The initiative, which aims to boost the catering industry at a time when there are fewer tourists and sales, started last Saturday, 19th of October, and until the 30th of November you can enjoy tapas and drinks at affordable prices. The Mijas Town Hall has set up a minibus service for locals and visitors to enjoy the tapas. "It will be operational from one to four in the afternoon and from half past seven to half past eleven at night with the aim of encouraging people to participate and to go to the ten establishments, and it makes seven stops", said the councillor for Commerce, Juan Carlos Maldonado (PMP), who valued the work that his area is doing with the Federation of Associations of Mijas to continue to promote trade. "I'm in a wheelchair because I have a fractured fibula, but I'm participating in the route to help the shops", said Ana Rodríguez as she waited for the minibus to arrive.

Once again, the Las Lagunas Tapa Route has a ‘tapaporte’ that has to be filled in. "There are ten shops participating this year, but you only need seven stamps to hand in the tapaporte and enter the draw, in which you can win prizes such as a travel voucher, hotel nights and spa experience; there are many interesting prizes", said the president of the Federation of Associations of Mijas, Charo Cortés.

Se ha puesto a disposición de vecinos y vistantes un minibús gratuito para realizar la ruta de la tapa |

Se ha puesto a disposición de vecinos y vistantes un minibús gratuito para realizar la ruta de la tapa |

Los participantes deberán tener siete sellos en el tapaporte para participar en el sorteo |

Los participantes deberán tener siete sellos en el tapaporte para participar en el sorteo |

Comensales degustando la tapa Flamenco, del bar La Picada |

Comensales degustando la tapa Flamenco, del bar La Picada |

El bar La Picada ofrece la tapa Flamenco

El bar La Picada ofrece la tapa Flamenco

El bar restaurante Casa El Abuelo participa con la tapa Matrimonio |

El bar restaurante Casa El Abuelo participa con la tapa Matrimonio |

El bar restaurante Casa El Abuelo participa con la tapa Matrimonio |

El bar restaurante Casa El Abuelo participa con la tapa Matrimonio |

El bar restaurante Casa El Abuelo participa con la tapa Matrimonio |

El bar restaurante Casa El Abuelo participa con la tapa Matrimonio |

La panadería Las Torres ofrece la tapa ‘Tarta sacher’ |

La panadería Las Torres ofrece la tapa ‘Tarta sacher’ |

La panadería Las Torres ofrece la tapa ‘Tarta sacher’ |

La panadería Las Torres ofrece la tapa ‘Tarta sacher’ |

Schedule of the route

The Tapa Route can be enjoyed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 13 to 15:30 hours and from 19:30 to 23:30 hours. Tapas and drinks are available for 3.5 euros. Among the tapas we can find the one from the bar-restaurant Casa El Abuelo. "We are participating with a tapa called ‘Matrimonio’ (Marriage), which is two types of anchovies, it is a cold tapa, accompanied by roasted peppers and olives. We hope that the locals come and visit us", said Fernando López, from Casa El Abuelo.

At La Picada, with its tapa ‘Flamenco’, there were also diners on the opening day. Lourdes Alarcón is one of them and she said that the tapa "was very good". "I think it's a breaded pork loin with BBQ sauce and lettuce", said this woman, who later planned to go to Las Torres bakery. "We are participating for the third year in a row and this year we are participating with the ‘Tarta sacher’, a very sweet tapa for those who really like chocolate",  said Ana Rodríguez, who works in this bakery. For the participating establishments, this initiative helps their business: ‘"his always helps, people who don't know us to get to know us, and that's nice and interesting; we get new customers", concluded López.

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