Weather in Mijas

Jueves 10/10/2024


Foreigners presents its programme of activities for autumn

  • El edil de Extranjeros, Mario Btavo (2º dcha.) junto a técnicas del área y algunos de los ponentes de la charla. |

Informative talks, street markets, a British Legion parade and a walk will be the main attractions

The Mijas Foreigners Department announced on Wednesday 9th of October its programme of activities for autumn. These include informative talks for British residents, charity markets, awareness raising activities and a British Legion parade. All of them will take place in La Cala. According to the councillor, Mario Bravo (PP), “of the 96,000 Mijeños, there are 36,000 who were born outside Spain but have decided to stay here to live with us, so from the Department of Foreigners we want to make their lives easier every day”,  and added that “this programme could be divided into two parts. One is the legal part so that people from other countries can live with us without any problems, and the other part is to make their lives interesting and attractive. We do the latter for both foreigners and Spaniards”. Finally, the technicians of the department, made an invitation to these events: “we invite all residents, and non-residents in Mijas, to come to our markets, either the solidarity ones we do every month or the PAD market, so that they can buy products and collaborate with the associations that do such a good job in Mijas”, concluded Laura Cordoba.

British Legion parade on October 19th

The programme will start on the 19th of October with an event that will take place for the first time on the Costa del Sol. This is the British Legion parade, which will start at 13:45 from the La Butibamba park. The group invites all representatives, veterans, schools and scouts to join in and make this event a success. 

Informative talk on October 23rd

‘Communities of owners in Spain’, that is the title of the book that will be the subject of one of the talks organised by the Department, which in this case collaborates with Intercala Administration, and which will take place on the 23rd of October at 16:00 hours in the Branch Office Square in La Cala. The writer of the book, José Luis Navarro Rosado, lawyer and specialist in this subject, will be there to explain everything related to the community of owners and answer any questions the public may have. The event is open to the public. Registration is required at A drink will be served after the talk.

Solidarity Tables on October 26th and 30th and November 27th and 30th

Solidarity and awareness-raising also have their place in this programme. On the 26th and 30th of October, and on the 27th and 30th of November, that is, the last Wednesday and Saturday of each month, the solidarity tables of the associations will be set up, as usual, in the Branch Office Square from 11 to 14 hours. There we will find representatives of charitable associations whose aim with this activity, in addition to raising funds, is to raise awareness of their work and for those attending to join them as volunteers.

Talk for British people on October 30th

On the 30th, the Branch Offices in La Cala de Mijas will also be the venue for another talk, also in English, at 16 hours, which will help British citizens who need it to regularise their situation. The event is organised by the Foreigners Department of the Mijas Town Hall in collaboration with British Lawyer Spain & Abogado en la Red. During the presentation of the event, the lawyer Jorge Postigo explained that “we have a British population in Mijas who could not get their TIE card and who are looking for different options to regularise and have legal documentation, so that they can enjoy what is on offer in Mijas, Malaga, Spain and throughout the country, which is why we are holding this talk to help them”. The event is open to all British residents but to attend it is necessary to register in advance on or by calling 678 826 771. 

PAD Market on November 2nd

On the 2nd of November, the Protectora de Animales Domésticos will be looking for help to continue helping animals, which unfortunately, often end up abandoned and have to be rescued by this shelter. The association will set up its autumn market from 11 to 15 hours at the Branch Office Square, where they will be offering clothes, decoration and accessories....

Diabetes Walk on November 3rd

One more year, the diabetes group of the La Cala Lions Club has organised its Diabetes Walk, and that makes six. The need to raise awareness about diabetes has made this event a must. This year it will take place on Sunday 3rd of November as part of the World Diabetes Day which is celebrated on the 14th of November. At 10 hours the walk will set off from the Torreón Square to enjoy a stroll along the Coastal Path. During the morning there will also be stands from other associations, free glucose tests, musical performances, a zumba class and much more.

Desfile de la Legión Británica. |

Desfile de la Legión Británica. |

Charla informativa. |

Charla informativa. |

Mesas solidarias de otoño. |

Mesas solidarias de otoño. |

Charla informativa. |

Charla informativa. |

Mercadillo de otoño de PAD. |

Mercadillo de otoño de PAD. |

VI Caminata contra la diabetes. |

VI Caminata contra la diabetes. |

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