Weather in Mijas

Lunes 30/09/2024


Soroptimist International celebrates its traditional Summer Party

  • It took place on the 21st of September in the Zoco of Calahonda, coinciding with the International Day of Peace
  • El edil de Extranjeros, Mario Bravo, en el evento, junto a la presidenta de Soroptimist y voluntarias de Cruz Roja.

It was a meeting to thank the work of people and groups that collaborate with the women's association

To express gratitude. That was the aim of the Summer Party, which once again this year was organised by the members of Soroptimist International Costa del Sol and held on Saturday 21st of September, coinciding with the International Day of Peace.  This demonstration of gratitude, both to individuals and groups with whom the association works throughout the year, was attended by representatives of the Foreigners Department of Mijas, such as the councillor Mario Bravo (PP); also by the La Cala Lions Club, Avatés, Toastmasters, the Mijas Red Cross, NCD Association and Costa Women. In total, around forty people enjoyed the evening.

The president of Soroptimist, Daphne Theunissen, explained that “we have lit a candle for peace, which symbolises our commitment to build a more peaceful world for all, something, which is even more important nowadays with wars and problems far away and close to home”, she also pointed out that “we have to remember that, as a general rule, women and children suffer more during conflicts”.  She also wanted to thank “the members who helped organise the party and everyone for their continued support, for being part of this journey”.

  • Representantes de diferentes colectivos de Mijas durante la velada.

The attendees enjoyed a menu that was a culinary journey through different countries of the world. On the other hand, they also took the opportunity to raise funds to help Soroptimist’s ongoing project in Venezuela entitled ‘Los buenos somos más’ (The good ones are more) to help pensioners in that country. 

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