Weather in Mijas

Sábado 22/02/2025


The Virgen de la Peña fills the streets of Mijas with joy on her big day

  • A very special procession, with farewells, new decorations, anniversaries and musical novelties
  • At 9:30 in the evening, the religious float of the Virgin left the parish church of the Inmaculada Concepción and headed towards her hermitage
  • Durante el recorrido, se han sucedido varias petaladas en honor a la patrona |

Accompanying were the Banda Municipal de Música de Mijas, the Agrupación Musical de Las Lagunas and the Banda de Música de la Paz

On Sunday 8th of September, the mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata, and the parish priest, Don Francisco Villasclaras, exchanged the baton of honour inside the parish church of the Inmaculada Concepción. After the honour ringing of the bell by the Mayoress, the float went out to the Plaza de la Muralla, carried by 120 men and women dressed in white. The Mijas Municipal Band played the national anthem to welcome the float as it left the parish church.

The procession was led by the processional elements of the brotherhood, together with the Mijas Municipal Band and the Las Lagunas Musical Group. More than 70 women dressed in mantillas participated in the procession, as well as the different municipal authorities and the La Paz Music Band, behind the procession.

Among the most emotional moments were the stop at the Casa Museo with the petal-toss, the arrival at Barrio Santana, the crossing of the decorative dome installed in the avenue of El Compás and the flamenco group of Ana Serrano, her son Hugo and Hugo Dogma, who dedicated several songs with lyrics to the patron saint on their arrival at the hermitage.

After a journey of almost five hours, the Virgen de la Peña arrived at her hermitage and, with the national anthem, her people bid her farewell. Many parishioners prayed with the Virgin inside her hermitage to bid farewell to the big day. 

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