Weather in Mijas

Sábado 14/09/2024


The Town Hall presents a "complete programme" for the Mijas Fair

  • The festivities in honour of the Virgen de la Peña will take place between the 4th and 9th of September
  • The opening speech will take place on Saturday 31st of August and will be given by the athlete José Manuel Cerezo
  • The celebratory dinner for the senior citizens will be on Thursday 5th, at 21:00 hours
  • Las fiestas, que cuentan con el deportista José Manuel Cerezo como pregonero, se desarrollarán del 4 al 9 de septiembre. |

Arcángel, Manuel Orta, Los Rebujitos, Israel Fernández and the concert by ‘LaLoka on tour’ are some of the performances scheduled

There are only a few days left until the start of the Mijas Fair in honour of the Virgen de la Peña and it already has its poster, town crier and official programme. The events will begin on the 3rd of September, at 20:00 hours, with the inauguration of the ornamental dome of the Virgen de la Peña Youth Group in the Avenida del Compás, which serves as a preamble to the beginning of the festivities, while the official switching on of the lighting will be on the 4th at 22:00 hours. On the same night, the presentation of the candidates for Queen and King of the Fair will take place in the Municipal Booth, located in the Plaza Virgen de la Peña. 

  • La alcaldesa, Ana Mata, junto a la edil de Fiestas, Silvia Marín y el autor del cartel Juanjo Marín |

Children's Day

The first day will also be Children's Day, so the rides will have reduced prices.  At the same time, in consideration of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), every day from 19:00 to 21:00 there will be no music and the noise in the area of the rides will be reduced, as explained by the mayoress, Ana Mata (PP), the aim is for this celebration to be inclusive. On the same day, from 17:30 at the Town Hall, children interested in taking part in the parade can register at the Town Hall, while the festive parade will take place just one hour later.

On the 5th the day will be dedicated to the celebratory dinner for our elders, which will take place in the Municipal Booth, at 21:00 hours. During the event, the Grandfather and Grandmother of the Mijas Fair will be chosen and a concert by La Caletera is planned. 

The Day Fair will begin on the 5th and a day later, the draw for the King and Queen of the fair in the baby and children's categories will take place at 22:00 hours. Those interested in participating can register from 20:00 hours at the Municipal Booth until half an hour before the start of the election.

  • Las fiestas, que cuentan con el deportista José Manuel Cerezo como pregonero, se desarrollarán del 4 al 9 de septiembre. |

Day of the patron saint

The procession in honour of the Virgen de la Peña, which is the main event of the Fair, will take place, as tradition dictates, on the 8th of September at 21:30 hours. As usual, the procession will start at the parish church of the Inmaculada Concepción, where the patron saint will be after being transferred from her hermitage on the night of the 29th of August. During the festivities there will be a play centre service and a Violet Point. 

Town crier

On this occasion, as announced by the councillor for Festivities, Silvia Marín (PP), the town crier will be José Manuel Cerezo. This former middle-distance runner specialised in the 800 metres is currently the coach of the Mijas Athletics Club. In 1992, he made his debut on the national and international athletics scene, becoming Spanish junior outdoor champion. Months later, he won the gold medal at the Spanish Promise Championships, followed by several other triumphs.  

He participated in the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. After achieving this great success, in the following years he continued striving in his sporting career until he retired in 2007. Currently, in addition to coaching the club of which he was a member, he works in the Sports Department of Mijas.

  • Las fiestas, que cuentan con el deportista José Manuel Cerezo como pregonero, se desarrollarán del 4 al 9 de septiembre. |

Musical performances

As for the musical performances, on the 4th there will be a concert by Marta Santos, on the 5th Manuel Orta will perform, and on the 6th Los Rebujitos. On the night of the 7th, there will be a performance by ‘LaLoKa on tour’ with Melody, Rassel and Sara from Las Chuches, as well as several DJs. On the 8th of September the group ‘Ziryab’ will perform and the flamenco show will be provided by the flamenco singers Arcángel and Israel Fernández on the night of the 9th of September.

All the concerts will be held in the Municipal Booth and admission will be free until full capacity is reached. See the full programme here.

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