Weather in Mijas

Lunes 16/09/2024


Craftswomen Lourdes Díaz and Sara Leguizamón exhibit their work at the Tourist Office

A la izquierda, las artesanas, junto al edil de Turismo, representantes de la Asociación de Artesanos de Mijas y del Ayuntamiento.

Parte de la muestra de Sara Leguizamón.

Trabajos de la talabartera Lourdes Díaz.

The exhibition can be visited during August

Since the 1st of August, the Tourist Office has been hosting the exhibition by the craftswomen Lourdes Díaz and Sara Leguizamón. The first one is a saddle artisan while the second one is a glass artisan. On Thursday, we spoke to both of them to learn a bit more about their works. 

The tourist office in Mijas Pueblo hosts monthly joint exhibitions of two artisans of the municipality, where they present their work. This month's exhibition can already be visited. 

The artisan, Lourdes Diaz, explained that in the exhibition you can find some of her "innovations, such as bags and tools". For her part, Sara Leguizamón, glass artists, uses the technique called glass fusing, as she explained, "the first step is to take the glass, enamel it, and cover it with a lid, then it goes into the oven at 800 degrees, which highlights the colors of the enamel, forming bubbles, and fuses rounding the edges". 

This initiative is from the Department for Tourism of the Mijas Town Hall, which aims to highlight the work of our artisans. "These are things that we have to protect because otherwise they will be lost, forgoten", said the councillor for Tourism, Francisco Jerez, who highlighted the value of this craft. "To create something from scratch, with your own hands, this reminds us of our origins and it is a reason to be proud of in Mijas and its neighbours". 

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