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Lunes 23/09/2024


Town Planning starts a process to update the register of applicants for subsidised housing

La alcaldesa de Mijas, Ana Mata, y la concejala de Urbanismo, Lourdes Burgos, en la avenida Andalucía de Las Lagunas.

Urbanismo, aseguran, trabaja de forma paralela en la selección de las parcelas y su acondicionamiento que destinarán a la construcción de VPO.

To fix the register, the form has been modified to make it simpler, updated to current regulations and made more accessible

Town Planning has started a process to update the register of applicants for subsidised housing with the aim of adapting it to the real needs of the municipality and promoting the construction of subsidised housing. The document, according to the government team, has just over 500 registered, a number which, they point out," is not in line with reality". 

Facilitating access to housing for those who need it most is, according to the executive, is one of its main objectives. For this reason, they are starting the procedures to update the register of applicants for subsidised housing.

The Mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata, explained that the aim of the Town Hall is "that those who want and are looking for housing, both for rental and property, can access the register, leave their details and have an updated record of the need in Mijas’’.

The current register, says the councillor for Town Planning, Lourdes Burgos (PP)"is out of date, so it is essential to adjust it to the real needs, as currently the register indicates that there are just about 500 applications for housing, but in fact there are more". To fix the register, the form has been modified to make it simpler, updated to current regulations and made more accessible.

The application form can be obtained using the digital certificate on the municipal website, in the town planning section, in the tab Vivienda Protección Oficial. It can also be processed in person at the different branch offices and at the Town Hall. In the application form, applicants can indicate the option to purchase, rent, rent to own, or all three.

Burgos added that "in order to be awarded one of these homes, you can't own a property and you have to present all the documentation".

According to the Town Planning Department, they are also working on the selection of plots of land and their development, which will be used for the construction of these homes, both to rent and to buy.

To conclude, the mayoress explained tha "this is a need that has been in the queue of demands for many years", and added that the government team has "been working since the very beginning to have these housing ready in this term, offering all Mijeños and Mijeñas the possibility of having a home either for rent or ownership".

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