Weather in Mijas

Viernes 20/09/2024


This Saturday, August 3rd, La Cala will host the VIII International Folk Festival

  • The event will take place in the Plaza del Torreón from 21:00 hours
  • En el centro, el concejal de Cultura, junto a la presidenta (izq.) de la asociación folclórica y la coordinadora de eventos del colectivo (dcha.).

The event is organised by the Asociación Folclórica Sur de Andalucía in collaboration with the Department for Culture of Mijas Town Hall.

This festival comes to La Cala this Saturday with the participation of four groups from the Himalayas, Argentina, Valencia and Fuengirola, as well as the participation of the Asociación Folclórica Sur de Andalucía, which is in charge of the organisation. 

As the president of the association, Rafi Cuevas, explained, "the aim is to highlight the dance and culture from other countries". Indeed, one of the great attractions of this event, which is sponsored by the Spanish National Commission for Cooperation with Unesco, is the participation of a group from Tibet. 

Aida Herrera, coordinator of the festival, explained that there will be different dances, some of which "are danced in couples, in others they have to look eye to eye", and added that "the material of the clothes indicates the climate in that country or city". 

During these eight editions, many countries have been represented and have performed their regional dances in our town. 

The event has the collaboration of the Department for Culture, which invites residents and tourists to enjoy this show. As explained by the councillor of the Department, Juan Carlos Maldonado, "the initiative is very good, culture unites and allows us to met other people, and respect them".

The Festival will start at 21:00 with a parade through the main streets of the seaside town. Half an hour later, in the Plaza del Torreón, the performances will take place. 

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