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The healthy habits campaign for the elderly will continue in August

  • La actividad se desarrolla todos los miércoles, entre las 9:00 y las 12:00 horas, en el Centro de Participación Activa de Las Lagunas.

Biomeasurements are taken on Wednesdays from 9 to 12 hours

The Mijas Town Hall and the Red Cross will maintain during the month of August the information point for healthy habits and biomedical measurements located in the Centre for Active Participation in Las Lagunas. As they have been doing in July, every Wednesday between 9 and 12 hours, Red Cross volunteers will attend to the elderly who visit this place, they will take their blood pressure taken and will provide inform about the recommendations to be taken into account to face the high temperatures during summer.

The councillor for Senior Citizens, Silvia Marín (PP), took the opportunity to thank the Red Cross for starting up the initiative and for “the involvement and care with which they attend to their users”.

High temperatures

This campaign that promotes healthy habits during heat waves, promoted by the Red Cross, reduces and helps to avoid the negative impact of high temperatures on our bodies.

 In addition to taking their blood pressure, they are also advised to follow certain precautions to cope with the heat: stay hydrated, eat light meals, limit outdoor activities to the first or last hours of the day and keep their homes cool by lowering blinds, awnings and curtains or turning off as many electrical devices as possible. 

María Martínez Piazza, vice-president of the Mijas Red Cross, acknowledged that, after the great participation in July, “we thought it would be a good idea to continue with the blood pressure testing throughout August”. 

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