Weather in Mijas

Jueves 24/10/2024


Mijas inaugurates a street named after the project "Storytelling Mothers"

  • This is the street which gives access to the San Sebastián school in Mijas Pueblo and the name was proposed by the educational community itself
  • The project was unanimously approved in the ordinary plenary session last May

Autoridades, madres, alumnado y profesorado del CEIP San Sebastián, este viernes durante el acto.

Momento del descubrimiento de la placa que, desde ahora, lucirá esta calle.

Los pequeños del CEIP San Sebastián también han participado en este emotivo evento.

Esta propuesta partió del tutor de una de las clases del centro mijeño.

Rosa María Badillo fue una de las impulsoras de esta iniciativa.

Intervención de la alcaldesa de Mijas, Ana Mata.

El proyecto impulsado por estas madres nació hace 20 años para fomentar la lectura entre los pequeños. io mijeño

Grupo de alumnos y alumnas del colegio San Sebastián junto a la nueva placa.

La alcaldesa Ana Mata ha saludado con cariño a los niños y niñas que han participado en el acto.

Esta calle da acceso a las instalaciones del colegio San Sebastián de Mijas Pueblo.

The mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata, has been in charge of unveiling the plaque that gives name to the street, together with a group of members of the community

The Storytelling Mothers project now has its own street in Mijas. The mayoress of the municipality, Ana Mata (PP), accompanied by the councillor for Public Roads, Mari Francis Alarcón (PP), the director of CEIP San Sebastián, Jesús Vascón, the teacher Alejandro Cuello, schoolchildren, families and a representation of the women who make up this group 'Arco Iris Madre Narradoras', inaugurated the street this Friday morning. "I am very happy and very proud at this moment to be the mayoress of Mijas and to be able to share with you this magical moment", said the mayoress. The naming became a very special and even magical event, with the little ones as the main protagonists.

It should be remembered that the decision to dedicate a street to this initiative was unanimously approved at the ordinary plenary session in May. The proposal to rename the street leading up to CEIP San Sebastián in Mijas Pueblo as Calle de las Madres Narradoras (Street of the Storytelling Mothers) came from the students of 1st A of this educational centre, who believe that it is a very relevant and illustrative way of recognising and admiring "the essential role that these women play in the transmission of stories, values and knowledge to future generations". For this reason, the road with the new name is located right at the entrance to the school.

A project for justice

"I would like to take this opportunity to deeply thank all the storytelling mothers for their dedication and love. With the inauguration of this street, we want to recognize and honour their contribution to the education and development of our children. I would also like to thank our students for their enthusiasm and courage in carrying out this project", explained the school principal. 

"The children discovered a reality that, although it may go unnoticed by many, is of great importance for our society. In Mijas, there are more streets named after male than female. This observation, simple on the surface, reveals a profound gender inequality that still persists in many aspects of our daily lives. But our students not only discovered this situation, they decided to act, to look for solutions and to propose a change. So here we are today. Thanks to their effort and determination to inaugurate a new street in our town. A street dedicated to the storytelling mothers", Vascón added. 

For his part, the tutor of the 1st A class, Alejandro Cuello, also thanked the Town Hall for making his proposal a reality. He especially addressed his class: "To my boys and girls in 1st A, you are my life and I love you so much. Thank you for brightening my life with your smile and for teaching me to be a better person and teacher. Thanks to your mothers, I can't feel more loved, honestly, you gave me the real position of civil servant with your words of affection every day", continued the teacher, who did not fail to thank all his classmates and "my mother, my first storyteller, and my parents, for making me someone with a critical spirit and someone with the desire to change the world".

Storytelling Mothers

Storytelling Mothers was born 20 years ago as an initiative to encourage reading at the door of the school in Mijas. A group of mothers exchanged books and left their opinion in an envelope which could then be read by all the participating families. Since then, it has evolved and has now expanded to other schools, institutes and cultural centres. The main objectives of the project include encouraging education in emotions and values, creating community, discovering and developing gifts and talents, using the power of biographies transformed into stories to transmit the courage to live, and promoting equality and ecology.

Storytelling Mothers

Storytelling Mothers was born 20 years ago as an initiative to encourage reading at the door of the school in Mijas. A group of mothers exchanged books and left their opinion in an envelope which could then be read by all the participating families. Since then, it has evolved and has now expanded to other schools, institutes and cultural centres. The main objectives of the project include encouraging education in emotions and values, creating community, discovering and developing gifts and talents, using the power of biographies transformed into stories to transmit the courage to live, and promoting equality and ecology.

"Today, here is magic with us, but why?" said Badillo. "Because what we have taught this year seems that life has said with its magic wand, we are going to make it come true. We are going to teach it. But as a true and real proof that life works and that when everyone in their place contributes with something wonderful to life, things like today are happening", said the writer and coordinator of the project.

A morning full of gratitude 

The mayoress wanted to highlight the work that this group of women have carried out altruistically over the years: "Being here today is an act of social and collective justice, a public recognition of these exceptional women who carry out an admirable task for the good of our community and the youngest, not only by promoting the love of reading but also by transmitting values. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the students of the San Sebastián school for proposing this initiative, which we at Mijas Town Hall have been delighted to accept", she declared. 

For his part, the director of CEIP San Sebastián explained that initiatives like this show children the importance of values such as solidarity, generosity and equality, while highlighting the great work that the group has been doing for years with the students. In the project report presented by the students, it was also highlighted that the contribution of Storytelling Mothers " goes beyond the barriers of time and space, weaving the cultural and social fabric of our community through their stories and teachings".

To conclude, the mayoress expressed her intention that more public spaces in Mijas should be dedicated to women and thanked the storytelling mothers who continue "to spread magic and love among the little ones with as much enthusiasm as when they started twenty years ago. It seems to me that we have a responsibility as a society to ensure that real equality between men and women is truly manifested in events like this. My commitment as mayoress is to take the testimony of these women storytellers of Mijas who today have their street here, but I have also made a commitment to them and to all the children that Mijas will have more streets named after women".

One of the most touching moments of the event was when two children, Joanna and Diego, from the 1st A class, dedicated some beautiful words to everyone: "I want to thank all the storytelling mothers. They are the best. I am very happy that there is now a street named after you. Thank you for making the school such a special place. Thank you to the Town Hall for taking our ideas into account. We want a better world and a better world is a world where equality, solidarity and love reign. Long live our school and long live the storytelling mothers", said the children, bringing innocence to the event and demonstrating that a fairer world, with more equality and more love, is a much better world. 


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