Weather in Mijas

Sábado 28/09/2024


The Ronald McDonald Foundation raises funds and informs about its work at IES Las Lagunas

  • The volunteers took advantage of this week's breaks to explain to the youngsters the work they carry out at the house in Malaga
  • Las voluntarias, madre e hija, atendiendo a los alumnos durante el recreo.

The group maintains five houses in the country where they provide free accommodation for families with children hospitalised for a long period of time

This table, which was set up in the playground of IES Las Lagunas, is necessary for the public to know the services provided by this international organisation, present in Spain since 1997, in the Ronald McDonald Houses opened in Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Malaga. "It is next to the Maternity and Children's Hospital, where families with small sick children can stay for free. The work of the volunteers, apart from making their stays in the house as pleasant as possible, is to do workshops and other things with the children, we play with them so that they have fun while they are in this situation", explained volunteer Ana Romero.

The Malaga home serves 14 families and is currently fully occupied, so this stall also serves to raise funds, which will go entirely to support this cause. "We have brought all kinds of things, from our famous clown nose, bracelets with a message, bracelets that we have made by hand, notebooks, toiletry bags and some things that McDonald's has also donated to us... An infinite number of things", added Romero.

Since 2002 in our country, 15,957 families with hospitalised children have stayed in one of the organisation's five homes in Spain. Today, they have taken the opportunity to make an appeal, as the foundation needs volunteers to continue helping families to stay together in the most difficult moments. "We always need volunteers to help at these points or simply to be there to accompany the family. From here I appeal to young people to please come to the house, to get to know it and to know the beautiful work that is being done", she said.

Ana's daughter, Paula Valencia, as soon as she realised what her mother was doing, immediately followed in her footsteps. She encouraged her high school classmates to become volunteers "because I've been there since I was little, since the house opened, and I've wanted to be a volunteer since I saw the work they do, so I encourage everyone to come and volunteer, it's a very cool thing, very nice, and, in the end, you are with many people and you collaborate, which is very important; I think it's a beautiful thing". 


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