Weather in Mijas

Viernes 18/10/2024


More than 70 women entrepreneurs participate in the cycle ‘She inspires me’

  • The director of the Conscious Breathing Institute and Integrative Therapist, Sara Duarte, was the first guest speaker

La directora del Instituto de Respiración Consciente (IRC) y Terapeuta integrativa, Sara Duarte, durante su ponencia.

‘Ella me inspira’ es el ciclo de conferencias que ha puesto en marcha la Concejalía de Familias e Igualdad de Oportunidades, que dirige la alcaldesa de Mijas.

La propietaria de la juguetería educativa La Cometa, de Las Lagunas, Carmen Bornao, y Paula Carrión, copropietaria de Vaiana Espacio Infantil y Familiar.

Hoy más de 70 mujeres, emprendedoras y empresarias de la localidad, han asistido a este encuentro.

La alcaldesa en su intervención durante la jornada.

La edil Silvia Marín también ha acudido a la cita.

During the meeting, they reflected on the concept of success

On Friday, the meeting ‘She inspires me’ was celebrated with a series of conferences organised by the Department for Families and Equal Opportunities, led by the Mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata. The event took place at the Ilunion Hotel where more than 70 entrepreneurs and businesswomen from the municipality gathered to attend the conference given by the director of the Institute of Conscious Breathing and integrative therapist, Sara Duarte. 

Sara Duarte was in charge of inaugurating this series of conferences. During her talk, she addressed the concept of success and invited the audience to reflect on its meaning, so that everyone could create their own definition. As Duarte explained, for her, success means congruence, that what she feels, says and does are in accordance. 

As the mayoress explained,"the aim of this meeting is to exchange opinions. From the municipal level, the aim is to take note of what they can do to make the path of entrepreneurship easier". She also added that "in Mijas there are women with consolidated projects, but there are also many women with new initiatives that need the help of public entities". 

The attendees appreciated this event, as Paula Carrió, owner of Vaiana Espacio infantil y familiar said, "this kind of initiatives are very important to get together, meet and support each other". 

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