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Viernes 18/10/2024


Los Campanales students enjoy the Erasmus+ experience in Italy

  • A group of 14 students and four teachers travelled to Diano Marina, in the Liguria region of Italy

Los alumnos y profesores participantes en el proyecto delante del mural que han pintado en el colegio.

Durante su estancia, los jóvenes participaron en un variado programa que combinó el aprendizaje científico y tecnológico con la creatividad y la innovación.

Entre las actividades destacadas, aprendieron de manera práctica diseño e impresión 3D, lo que les permitió explorar el mundo de la fabricación digital.

Además, los estudiantes disfrutaron de visitas guiadas a lugares de interés cultural e histórico como Diano Castello, Diano Marina, Porto Maurizio y Servo.

El grupo de 14 estudiantes y cuatro profesores del CEIP Los Campanales ha pasado seis días, del 12 al 17 de mayo, en Italia.

Los alumnos han estudiado en el Instituto Comprensivo Diano Marina, un centro educativo especializado en las nuevas tecnologías digitales y en educación ambiental.

El grupo en una de las visitas culturales.

El grupo a las puertas del hotel donde se alojaron.

The initiative led young people to develop a programme that combined scientific and technological learning with creativity and innovation.

A group of 14 students and four teachers from CEIP Los Campanales de Las Lagunas have recently participated in the Erasmus+ programme for six days, from the12th to the 17th of May, travelling to Diano Marina, in the Liguria region of Italy. This exchange took place at the Instituto Comprensivo Diano Marina, an educational centre specialised in new digital technologies and environmental education, which has provided the students with an unforgettable educational experience. 

During their stay, the young people participated in a varied programme that combined scientific and technological learning with creativity and innovation. Among the highlights, they learned hands-on design and 3D printing, which allowed them to explore the world of digital fabrication and prototyping. Robotics with Lego was another of the activities that caught the attention of the students, who enjoyed building "articulated hands and programming robots", as detailed by student Rocío del Pino. They also immersed themselves in augmented and virtual reality technology, designing new virtual realities. The Eureka Cooperative, which specialises in innovative science teaching, offered a series of activities that combined theory with practice, encouraging critical thinking and scientific curiosity, and where they designed routes for the robots to follow in teams. With cooperative methodologies and Italian students tutoring them, the learning, they assured us, was motivating and, of course, guaranteed. 

In addition, the students enjoyed guided visits to places of cultural and historical interest such as Diano Castello, Diano Marina, Porto Maurizio and Servo, enriching their understanding of Italian heritage and always accompanied by Italian students and teachers. One of the teachers participating in the programme, Belén Cruz, explained that "the objective was based on three pillars: integration there, learning new technologies and fostering a sense of belonging to Europe, that feeling, going there, to another country, to Italy, makes you feel European. On the other hand, the place where we have gone, Diano Castello, is excellent, and the teachers have received us spectacularly, available 24 hours a day".

Preparing the programme

Before the trip, the students of CEIP Los Campanales, together with their families and teachers, were involved in various preparatory activities. They painted a mural with Erasmus motifs or "we made 180 bracelets to give to the students and teachers of the host school", said student Rebeca Cabrero. To select the students who would travel, they had to produce tourist guides in English about the Liguria region and record a podcast about the history of Erasmus in their school. For this trip they prepared a dance with skipping and acrosport figures, showing their enthusiasm and commitment to cultural exchange. 


This Erasmus+ trip, according to the school, has been an ‘ priceless opportunity for the students, not only because of the knowledge acquired, but also because of the personal and cultural enrichment that comes with living and learning in an international environment’. The experience has left an everlasting memory for the students and staff of Los Campanales, who return home with a new perspective and great memories. The student Ángela Moreno confirmed that "they had a great time, as they have been able to enjoy this experience with their friends even though communicating with the other students has not been easy", and her classmate Lina Ejouni concluded by saying that "the experience has been a 10 out of 10".



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