Weather in Mijas

Viernes 27/09/2024


40 people take part in the first edition of Saboreart by the Lions Club

  • La velada se llevó a cabo en la sala de exposiciones del CAC Mijas.

The CAC hosted this artistic and gastronomic event, which offered a menu with Salvador Dalí's favourite recipes

The Lions Club of Mijas organised last Friday 24th the first edition of Saboreart. Gastronomy and culture came together at the CAC to taste Salvador Dalí's favourite recipes. The event was also intended to raise funds for charity. 

Salvador Dalí was not only a great artist but also a food lover, and he had a recipe book that he shared with his wife Gala. So the CAC Mijas and the Lions Club joined together last weekend and paid tribute to him by combining surrealism and gastronomy. 

  • Los comensales degustaron seis platos diferentes.

"There are seven dishes, there is a very wide selection because Dalí was a gastronomic enthusiast", emphasised Guy Rondeau, president of the Mijas Lions Club. Each dish served to the 40 diners who signed up for the dinner had a story behind it, which was told by the director of the CAC Mijas, Javier Fructuoso. "It is a unique event. You can't eat every day in a room full of art pieces all around you. We do it with the Lions Club of Mijas to raise funds for this group, which socially helps people in need in the village", Fructuoso pointed out. 

The dinner included seven of Dalí's favourite dishes, traditional recipes that the master of surrealism loved. The next meeting will be held next year, and on this occasion a well-known musician will be chosen. As for the CAC, it is already preparing the next event, an exhibition on June 6th, which will aim to promote 30 contemporary Finnish painters.

  • La cena tuvo un fin benéfico y la recaudación se destinará a causas sociales.


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