Weather in Mijas

Sábado 04/05/2024


MiMoana gathers fifty volunteers to clean up the beaches

MiMoana convocó a numerosos voluntarios para limpiar la playa

El colectivo limpia las playas una vez al mes

MiMoana convocó a numerosos voluntarios para limpiar la playa

MiMoana convocó a numerosos voluntarios para limpiar la playa

Los ediles del equipo de gobierno Marco Cortés y Lourdes Burgos acudieron a la cita

MiMoana convocó a numerosos voluntarios para limpiar la playa

Las colillas son las basuras más abundantes

MiMoana convocó a numerosos voluntarios para limpiar la playa

MiMoana convocó a numerosos voluntarios para limpiar la playa

MiMoana convocó a numerosos voluntarios para limpiar la playa

The group organises this activity every month with the collaboration of the Town Hall

MiMoana is a group that promotes the care of the sea and that organises regular waste collections on the Mijas coastline to clean the beaches and raise awareness. The group was in Calahonda on Saturday 20th and the activity was held on the occasion of the Earth Day. According to MiMoana's co-founder, Nikky Wegloop, this is something that the collective has been doing "every month since 2019: we clean the beach and we also go in with divers to do an underwater clean-up. Every month, we take a bag, we take buckets, gloves and we start cleaning the beach’.

Half a hundred people came to help with the waste collection. Cigarette butts, plastic bottles and food wrappers... Rubbish that easily can be kept away from the coast and that the MiMoana volunteers like Marco Villalobos and Victoria Menéndez collected with patience, and both agreed on the need for greater ecological awareness.

Institutional collaboration

MiMoana has the collaboration of the Town Hall and the Department of the Environment, in fact the Mijas councillor for the environment, Marco Cortés (PP), attended the event: "This is a very important action because we have to raise awareness that the beach belongs to everyone, and together we have to take care of it. You always have to take away what you brought with you and leave the beach as you found it". 

MiMoana's work is not done on its own, which is why they are always asking for the collaboration of neighbours and visitors who want to help them. A work that, hopefully, in the near future will not be necessary because our seas will be free of waste.

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