Weather in Mijas

Martes 21/05/2024


Passion and art in Unión del Cante during Miguel de Tena and Carlos Haro’s performance 

  • The performance opened the way for the activities programmed by the club for the month of March

Numeroso público disfrutó de esta tarde de flamenco en la peña.

Miguel de Tena es un cantaor extremeño muy reconocido en todo el país.

La peña Unión del Cante ha preparado un mes muy completo de actividades y espectáculos.

The event took place on Sunday at the Cortijo Don Elías, the headquarters of the club

On Sunday, the 'peña flamenca Unión del Cante' experienced an incredible afternoon, in which all present enjoyed a show full of art and passion with Miguel de Tena on vocals and Carlos Haro on guitar. "We have done a journey through different flamenco styles, including ‘fandango’, ‘soleá’, ‘malagueña’, ‘granaína’, etc., we want to make people enjoy, that's it", explained Tena. 

These shows are always well received by the public: "we're going to have a good time, it's common that the room is crowded every time there is an event", said Manuel Cortés, one of the audience members. 

March programme

During the month of March the club will continue to offer shows and activities open to everyone. "The next one is on March 16th, as we are close to Holy Week, we will have the exaltation of the 'saeta'. José García Vílchez 'El Petro' and Mari Carmen Corpa will be there", said the president of the club, Diego Morilla. The event will take place in the Cortijo Don Elías, at 19:00 hours, admission will be free until full capacity is reached.

Passion for singing since childhood

The Extremaduran 'cantaor' (flamenco singer) Miguel de Tena discovered when he was just a child that flamenco was his thing. It ran in his family, as his father was an amateur 'cantaor' and his sister was also a musician. He considers flamenco to be sung poetry, 24-carat gold. He does not classify himself in a certain style, in fact, he performs 'fandango',  'soleá' or 'a seguidilla'. "I don't have a closed list of songs. I sing what the public asks me to sing", he said. 

The artist has won almost forty first prizes in flamenco competitions all over the country and has several recordings on the market.

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