Weather in Mijas

Sábado 18/05/2024


Mijas clears more than seven kilometres of its streams to prevent fires and flooding

  • The work will be carried out during March in the María Zambrano and Torrenueva streams, as well as in part of the river

El concejal de Medio Ambiente, Marco Cortés (centro), y el edil de Servicios Operativos, Daniel Gómez Teruel (1º dcha.), en el río Fuengirola.

Para estos trabajos se están empleando máquinas de gran tonelaje.

Arroyo Los Álamos.

Foto del arroyo Cujao.

Imagen del arroyo La Lucera en su desembocadura al mar.

El plan de limpieza también se ha ejecutado ya por el arroyo El Carrizo.

Arroyo El Tajo es otro de los puntos desbrozados y limpiados por los operarios.

Arroyo Calahonda, donde ya se han realizado estos trabajos.

Imagen de uno de los tramos del río Fuengirola a su paso por Mijas limpiados.

Since last November, a specific plan has been developed thanks to which nine streams and part of the river Fuengirola have already been cleaned up

The Mijas Town Hall, through the councils for the Environment and Operational Services, is developing a plan to clean up riverbeds thanks to which a total of 7.5 linear kilometres of streams and the Fuengirola River are going to be cleared. The aim is to clean up the water drainage channels to avoid possible flooding and prevent forest fires.

The work began last November and is being carried out gradually along nine streams and some 1,200 metres of the river Fuengirola as it passes through the municipality. In this regard, the councillor for the Environment, Marco Cortés (PP), explained that "work has already been carried out on 5.5 kilometres of land, specifically on 660 metres of the Cujau stream, one kilometre of Los Álamos, 1.8 kilometres of the one located in Calahonda, 660 metres of La Lucera, 170 metres of Ana María de Calypso, 450 metres of El Carrizo, 100 metres of El Atajo and 600 metres of the river Fuengirola. Over the next few days the work will reach the María Zambrano and Torrenueva streams, to which a further 600 metres of the river will be added".

"It is a plan to carry out weeding and clearing work, as well as removing all types of waste. It is very important to keep these areas in good condition so that, in the event of rain, we can avoid blockages being created and waste reaching the beaches. At the same time, we are trying to provide these areas with greater protection in the event of fires", explained Cortés.

For his part, the councillor for Operational Services, Daniel Gómez Teruel (PP), detailed that "to carry out the work, two heavy-duty vehicles are used, in addition to five workers from Basic Income who are responsible for removing the waste that is left over after the machinery has passed through. The organic material removed is shredded and deposited again in the areas to avoid damaging the ecosystems".

Finally, the councillors appealed to residents to avoid throwing waste into these streams, as, in addition to posing a safety risk, it can cause irreversible environmental damage.

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