Weather in Mijas



The Three Wise Men conquered Mijas on a magical evening

  • Their Majesties from the East, with the help of 270 children in the royal parade, distributed 8,000 kilos of gluten-free sweets

Los Reyes Magos en su llegada a Mijas Pueblo.

Gaspar saluda a las familias, acompañado por los pajes reales en su carroza.

Los niños son los grandes protagonistas de la tarde.

La alcaldesa de Mijas, Ana Mata, hizo entrega de las llaves de la ciudad a SSMM los Reyes Magos de Oriente.

El Ayuntamiento de Mijas ha previsto un dispositivo especial de limpieza en los tres núcleos.

Los niños recogiendo los caramelos lanzados por los Reyes.

In addition, the Town Hall invited the neighbours to a hot chocolate and 'roscón de Reyes'

Yesterday afternoon, the Three Wise Men spread happiness and anticipation on their way through the municipality after receiving the keys to the town at the Town Hall from the mayoress, Ana Mata (PP). Mijas Pueblo, Las Lagunas and La Cala witnessed the magic of Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar. The most special night for children arrived in a big way. Their wishes were very close to coming true and for parents and grandparents it was a joy to see them enjoy it. 

Yesterday we lived all this in the parades, in which 270 children took part in the royal procession, which was made up of floats, children's entertainment, brass bands and batucadas. In total, 8,000 kilos of gluten-free sweets, 5,000 bags of 'gusanitos', 1,200 candy bars and 2,000 balls, stuffed animals and other toys were cast off the floats. 

At the end of the parades, their Majesties of the East received the children, among whom they distributed the toys that had not been given out during the routes. In addition, the Town Hall invited the neighbours to hot chocolate and 'roscón de Reyes'. In Mijas Pueblo, this gastronomic farewell was held on the Plaza Virgen de la Peña; in Las Lagunas, at the María Zambrano park, and in La Cala, at La Butibamba park. It was a good way to regain strength and to go to bed with the anticipation of waking up to open the presents.

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