Weather in Mijas



Take note of the activities on the Mijas' weekend leisure agenda

  • One of the weekend's events is the Diabetes Walk, which will include activities at El Torreón

Theatre, flamenco, the Tapa Route and a pleasant fun walk against diabetes await us

The entertainment agenda for this Friday and the weekend brings us cultural events at the Las Lagunas Theatre, flamenco and a healthy walk against diabetes. On Friday, at 20:00 hours, on the Las Lagunas stage, you can enjoy the play 'Los secretos veranean en Bardolino' (The secrets summer in Bardolino). On Saturday, in the same place, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with the Lupus Malaga and Autoimmune Association from 17:30 hours by attending the Festival of Arts and Poetry. The entrance fee of 5 euros will be a donation to this group. On the same day, and at the same time, the Peña Flamenca Unión del Cante hosts the cycle 'Nos vemos en tu peña' (We will see you at your club, which will feature the voice of Canito de Málaga and the guitar of Rubén Lara. Like every Saturday, until December 2nd, you can visit the 'Ruta de la Tapa de Las Lagunas' from 13:00 to 15:30 and from 19:30 to 23:30.  On Sunday the V Fun Walk against Diabetes, organised by the Lions Club of La Cala, will take place. The walk will depart from El Torreón at 10:30 hours.

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