Weather in Mijas

Jueves 24/10/2024


PSOE wins without an absolute majority and the government formation will depend on pacts

  • The socialists obtain 10 councillors; the PP, 9; Vox, 3; Cs, 2 and Por Mi Pueblo, 1
  • Election results in Mijas

In total, a 51.79 percent turnout was registered in these local elections

The PSOE wins without an absolute majority and the formation of a government will depend on pacts.

The socialists obtain 10 councillors; the PP, 9; Vox, 3; Cs, 2 and Por Mi Pueblo, 1. 

The PSOE won the elections in Mijas, with 10 councillors, and 33.61 percent of the votes (8,589 votes). The Popular Party was the second most voted political force, with 9 councillors; the Partido Popular received 31.61 percent of the electorate's votes (8,077 votes). Vox obtained three councillors, with 2,875 votes (11.46%), Ciudadanos won 2 councillors (1,680 votes, 6.57% of the votes) and, finally, the newly created party Por Mi Pueblo has one councillor (with 1,412 votes, 5.52%). In Mijas, 49,924 people were called to vote in these municipal elections. In total, a 51.79 percent turnout was registered in these local elections. The absolute majority is 13 councillors, so the formation of the future corporation will depend on the possible pacts made by the political forces. There were five other parties that did not obtain representation in these elections: Alternativa Mijeña, Con Andalucía-Unidas Con Mijas, SoydeMijas, PACMA and Adelante Andalucía.


The PSOE candidate for mayor of Mijas, Josele González, said that "winning the elections in Mijas after 16 years is not an easy feat and it is thanks to the team of councillors who have sacrificed themselves during these four years, who have given everything for the management, to improve the lives of the citizens of Mijas, and I think we have achieved it, and that has been reflected in the increase of almost 2,000 votes we have obtained and that has given us the possibility of adding two more councillors". "It is true that the numbers do not give us the absolute majority we were looking for", added González, to which he added that "now what we have left and what we have on the table is to sit down with the other political parties, it is not clear who can win the mayor's office. The priority has to be the municipality and to put the electoral programmes on the table to see how agreements can be reached, we are willing, as the winners of these elections we are the ones who have the greatest predisposition". In relation to future government pacts, the Socialist Secretary General said that "now opens a period of dialogue and from the PSOE we are a party of dialogue and a group of good people willing to make the best of themselves to improve the quality of life of the people of Mijas". 

Partido Popular 

For the Partido Popular candidate, Ángel Nozal, the results were "unexpected". Nozal congratulated González "for the electoral triumph, there is no other way. The PSOE has won these elections and we will see what happens for governability because there is a curious block, 12-12 and we will see what happens. I would have liked to have had 13 councillors, but I got nine. Now there are other sums and, as has happened on other occasions", added Nozal, "we will try to bring about a change in Mijas". With regard to the configuration of the next local corporation in relation to possible future pacts, the Popular Party leader explained that "I have made calls to make a score and see how the future of Mijas is going to be in the short term". After knowing one hundred percent of the votes counted in Mijas, the Popular Party acknowledged having experienced a "contained celebration, because when you don't win completely, you have to have respect for the electorate who have not elected us and who have chosen other formations and we have won almost everything, because there are very open options, and we will see if those who have been in opposition want the current government team to continue or not", concluded Nozal.  


The candidate for Vox, Juan Carlos Cuevas, thanked the people of Mijas "who have placed their trust in us" and expressed that "we will not let them down; we will work tirelessly to improve their wellbeing". Regarding the election results, "we had no illusions", said Cuevas, and thanked his team for their work. Finally, the Voz candidate added "let the people of Mijas know that we are going to sow to improve the future of Mijas and all the people of Mijas, especially those who need it most, and rectify the mistakes so that in the future they will not be made again.  We are going to work hard," he concluded. 


The candidate for Cs, José Carlos Martín, said that the election data "are not results that satisfy us," adding that "we are still alive in Mijas and we will continue to work for the people of Mijas. Martin took the opportunity to "congratulate the PSOE" and thanked the voters who had placed their trust in them. For Martin, "sometimes politics is not fair, we believe we have done a good job and we have a good team. "From the opposition or in government, that will be seen, we will do it responsibly and looking for the general interest". 

Por mi Pueblo

The candidate for Por Mi Pueblo, Juan Carlos Maldonado, said that "we are happy because all the results show that we are decisive". According to the number one of this new party, "this political formation arises with the aim that in Mijas the people of Mijas are in charge", so that PMP "is not decisive, the decisive ones are the people of Mijas". According to Maldonado, "the people of Mijas are not happy with what is there and what they have said is that Maldonado decides the future of Mijas".

Alternative Mijeña

The candidate for Alternativa Mijeña, Esperanza Jiménez, assured that the results "are not going to stop us". For AM "we are back at the beginning of everything, the big parties are the ones that people prefer". Thus, AM insists that "we are a local party and we will continue in the town".


The president of SoydeMijas, Marco Musumeci, said he was "happy" with the result. His party, he said, has done "a great job. We have reached out to all citizens. This is a good start for a party that has just been launched as a first in Mijas".  

This newspaper also contacted the candidates of the Con Andalucía-Unidas Con Mijas and Adelante Andalucía parties, who declined to make any statements after learning the results of the municipal elections. Finally, the PACMA candidate, Cristina García, could not be contacted.

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