Weather in Mijas

Viernes 11/10/2024


The coast of Cadiz, next destination for the Senior Citizen’s trip

  • Last year, the seniors travelled to the coast of Almeria |

The Councillor for the Pensioner’s Department is currently working on the arrangements

The mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), announced on Monday that the tendering process for the next Senior Citizen’s trip has already begun and gave some of the details of the trip, such as the destination and the date. “We can forward that the destination is the coast of Cadiz and that the estimated date will be between the 15th of September and the 15th of October, where the different shifts will be distributed, 1,500 people will be  registered to go on this new trip and that the cost will be 6.5 euros”, said the mayor.

González also praised the work carried out by the Department for Senior Citizens, which is in charge of managing this trip. “It is a very complicated trip to arrange, with 1,500 people, with special needs, and it requires a lot of work on the part of the Department to ensure that it goes as well as the last trips organised by the Mijas Town Hall”, said the mayor, who thanked “the whole department” and assured that “our elderly have councillor Tamara Vera who works hard every year to ensure that this trip is better than the last”.

You must be registered in Mijas and have a pensioner’s card from the Town Hall. “This trip is designed to encourage active ageing among our seniors, so that during these 4 days and 3 nights, they can enjoy themselves and put aside their problems, their responsibilities with their grandchildren...”, concluded the mayor.

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