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Lunes 30/09/2024


The Mijas Arts Centre offers a free workshop on zentangle, a meditation technique

  • The course takes place every Monday, from 16:30 to 18:30, and you can book a place on the collective's website
  • With this technique she seeks to achieve calm and zen meditation |

The Mijas Arts Centre has organised a very special activity that mixes artistic creation with meditation

The Mijas Arts Centre has organised a very special activity that mixes artistic creation with meditation. A free meeting to which they invite all residents who wish to participate. The relationship between art and mental health is becoming clearer and clearer, art therapy is an example of this. But there are other techniques such as zentangle, which consists of creating images through repeating patterns. This technique aims to achieve calm and zen meditation and the Mijas Arts Centre is offering a free workshop for anyone who wants to try something new, fun and which also increases our wellbeing. 

As the teacher of this workshop, Eline Vaernewijck, said, "zentangle is a type of meditation and with it we use drawing to repeat fractals and, with these repetitions, magical drawings are created".

The name zentangle is an acronym that comes from the words zen (meditation) and tangle. It is an easy to learn and relaxing way to create beautiful images. And there are many benefits. " More creativity is also a way to relax and to see that we all have an artist inside us", said Vaernewijck.

According to one of the students, Alejandra Fiorito, "I read in 'Mijas Semanal' that this course was going to take place and, as I am interested in doing different things, I invited a friend to come with me and here we both are, learning something new and a way of expressing who we are".

This workshop is held every Monday from 16:30 to 18:30 and anyone interested can contact the Mijas Arts Centre via their website to book a place and find out about this and other activities they offer.

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