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Viernes 07/03/2025


More than 2,000 families benefited from the Town Hall's social aid in 2022

  • The mayor of Mijas, Josele González, and the councillor for Social Services, Hipólito Zapico |

Last year, Social Services allocated around 4 million euros to social emergency aid, family economic aid, rent and for functional diversity

The mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), and the councillor for Social Services, Hipólito Zapico (PSOE), have taken stock of this department in 2022. "Social Services has played a fundamental role in the recovery of the municipality of Mijas during the past year, attending to more than 2,000 families directly with each and every one of the support lines that they develop", says González. 
"Once again, we have positioned ourselves as a benchmark in social matters both in the province of Malaga and Andalusia with aid that other Town Halls do not implement, reaching out to alleviate needs that should be covered by other administrations. Four million euros allocated to social emergency aid, rent, functional diversity, home help, economic family or Mijas Cards, without forgetting the social investment we make in groups  that attend to the mijeños and mijeñas", adds the mayor, who stresses that, "if we add the Mijas families who are attended by these groups thanks to the empathy and commitment of the Town Hall with those who need it most, we greatly exceed the figure of 2,000 families assisted during 2022". 
Therefore, the Social Services Council  of the Mijas Town Hall allocated almost two million (1,823,000 euros) last year to the Home Help Service (SAD); 539,000 to social associations; and half a million euros to aid for functional diversity. On the other hand, 390,053 euros were allocated to rental aid, 283,135 euros to social emergency aid, 118,161 euros to family economic aid and an allocation of 100,000 euros for the Mijas Cards. 
"We have noticed a decrease in the demand for this direct aid, which gives us great satisfaction because it means that all the active employment and economic policies put in place by the government of Josele González and the socialist government in Spain are bearing fruit, improving the purchasing power of Mijas families", said Zapico, who explained that the Food Bank of the Mijas Town Hall has gone from supporting more than 1,500 families during the pandemic "to just 50 families today".

Summer schools
On the other hand, of the Social Services Budget for 2022, 30,000 euros have been allocated to summer schools, which offered between July and August last year more than 2,000 places in the town. 
Precisely in this area, it is worth highlighting the launch of 'Integrados', a pioneering programme for the integration of students with special needs, the result of the collaboration between Adimi and the local authority, which has enabled around twenty students to have specialised monitors. "We are very satisfied with the positive feedback we have received from the families who have benefited from this new programme", Zapico stresses. 
Finally, the Social Services department highlights the important administrative and intermediation work carried out by the staff of the department, attending to more than 10,000 appointments last year alone and generating 17% of the documentary records of the Mijas Town Hall during 2022.

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