Weather in Mijas

Sábado 27/07/2024


Mijas, prime destination for rural tourism for 2023

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The councillor for Infraestructures, José Carlos Martín |

The councillor for Tourism, José Carlos Martín, stresses that this sector of tourism will be the protagonist in Mijas next year

The first deputy mayor and councillor for Tourism, José Carlos Martín (Cs), revealed the roadmap that the department is going to follow in 2023 in this area, where the main focus of promotion will be rural tourism. “Since the pandemic, we have seen how our destination has been growing for enthusiasts of this type of travel. By having open natural spaces both mountain and sea, as well as the peculiarities of our typical Andalusian village and our historical and cultural heritage, our homemade and traditional cuisine, our crafts and other essential factors of this type of tourism, from the department we will enhance this great attraction for next year”,said the first deputy mayor. In this sense, the accommodation portal already in 2021 placed Mijas as one of the 20 rural coastal destinations preferred by its users in Spain and this year named it ‘Capital of rural tourism 2022 of Malaga’.

“Rural tourism is a great ally, as it is maintained throughout the year, breaking the seasonality. The ‘getaways’ are the best tool to continue with accommodation, restaurants and shops in operation outside the summer season, so the economy is invigorated”, added Martin. “Precisely these preferences have made the destination grow so much at a national level as it is a rural meeting point for both mountain and sea, where you can enjoy the tranquility of less populated areas with the advantage that the traveller has all the services close at hand, so you can also enjoy other options without leaving the municipality”, he said. International market The first deputy mayor, José Carlos Martín, reported that “the area is already finalising this campaign, which will be announced at international tourism fairs, as this trend is also occurring in Europe, so the international market is becoming an essential target audience, especially the colder countries of the north and centre of the old continent”.

According to this year’s annual report by the Rural Tourism Observatory, the percentage of the Spanish population that opted for rural tourism in the last two years increased by five points. With 2022 still to close, everything suggests that the figures of previous years will be surpassed.

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