Weather in Mijas

Miércoles 09/10/2024


PSOE and Cs claim they have managed to "reactivate the Mijas economy" after the pandemic

  • The government team highlights the stability of the Executive and its reaction in the face of adversity
  • The Mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), and the First Deputy Mayor, José Carlos Martín (Cs) |

The Mayor of Mijas, Josele González, and the First Deputy Mayor, José Carlos Martín, take stock of the third year of the term of office

The Mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), and the First Deputy Mayor, José Carlos Martín (Cs), this morning took stock of this last year of government (the third of the mandate) a coalition whose work has been marked from the outset, above all, by the pandemic. It began after the government agreement sealed by PSOE and 'Cs' in 2019. It has provided Mijas with stability and capacity to react when faced with adversity in a "complicated" but "successful" mandate, as both councillors describe it. Despite being from different political parties, "they have worked as a single team for the good of the residents", explain González and Martín, "proof of this is the Local Governance Award granted by the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP)", highlights the Executive in a press release

  • González:

Public works

On the other hand, the government team says, "the 17 million euros invested in public works in the last year have also allowed a boost to the local economy and improved services to residents". In this period, he recalls the car parks of 'El Juncal' and 'La Candelaria', the upper parks in these infrastructures, the Road Safety Education Park, and a quality life leap of the neighbours with the sanitation and water supply works put into service.

"A Mijas transformed thanks to a management adapted to the needs of its neighbours", the Mayor emphasises. "We have prioritised security, cleaning and education, expanding the Local Police staff, and providing more and better resources. Besides, we have promoted a new street cleaning and waste collection service contract, an ambitious project to achieve excellence in cleaning, which includes the renovation and expansion of some 2,000 bins, and the improvement of the street cleaning conditions and waste collection. At the same time, we have improved the quality of the local environment and the quality of the waste collection service. This includes the renovation and extension of some 2,000 containers, the workers' working conditions, the coverage and provision of  urbanisation services, and the increase in the cleaning of areas and frequency, all with a new logistics centre that will speed up the work of the service. We have renovated the Mijas Pueblo nursery school to achieve a concerted allocation of places and the expansion of the services provided, to which many families will already have access for the next academic year, as well as promoting the transfer of land for the creation of new educational infrastructure also in the area of Calahonda and Riviera," says González.

  • Martín:

"We fulfilled our commitment to make new car parks available to the residents, with 668 spaces already in operation between the car parks of 'El Juncal' and 'La Candelaria'. Also, there will be adding those relating to the car park of 'Los Santos' which will be put out to public tender in the next few weeks," said Martín. He highlighted that "the water supply and drainage work in Mijas Pueblo is essential. On the one hand, to alleviate the effects of the drought with the new water deposit and, on the other hand, to connect the rural areas with the municipal drainage through the collectors of Mijas la Nueva, La Alquería, the East and West cornice".

Social investment

Another of the office's pillars has been social investment. "It has reached more than 11 million between 2020 and 2021", according to the executive. This amount detailed during the appearance, will be reduced this year thanks to the revitalisation of the economy, the jobs created, the City Council's agreements with private companies, the increase in the opening of businesses, and aid to the self-employed and SMEs, among other initiatives.  In this sense, the Municipal Food Bank, recovered during the pandemic by the local government, has seen a 50% reduction in the number of families currently served compared to 2021.

This is how the Mayor of Mijas explains it. "Social management has been another of the fundamental pillars. Thanks to the effort made, the aid demand has been significantly reduced. The effort is maintained thanks to the promotion of unique aid in the province, such as disability aid, rental aid or aid for social groups. All of this while also boosting our work integration programme 'Renta Básica' that in 2020, employed around 1,000 unemployed, and offers a job opportunity to hundreds of Mijeños and Mijeñas, including a transversal training programme to improve their chances of finding work after the programme".

"We said we would not leave any Mijeño behind, and we have done so. We have seen a reduction in social spending this year thanks to the training and employment generation mechanisms we have put in place, and they have worked. We have also favoured the establishment of new companies that create jobs, and we have closed agreements to help the Mijas people to obtain them. Even so, we remain firmly committed to making the relevant budget amendments whenever there is a neighbour in social exclusion," says Martin.


The gradual return to normality has allowed, according to the government team, the services in the town to boost and new ones to be launched "being great allies of this milestone the asphalting plans in urbanisations, the excellence of the beaches, the promotion of sport, street cleaning, and rubbish collection, the arrangement of places in the nursery in Mijas Pueblo or the La Cala Festival".


"A city full of life in which we have resumed great cultural and leisure events such as the 'Festival de Flamenco' or the 'Noche Latina' promoted great classics such as 'Pinta y Enfoca' in Mijas or the creation of new events of great attraction and economic repercussion and employment generation. An example is 'La Cala Mijas', the first great music festival to be held in our city and which will attract more than 40,000 visitors every day", González emphasises. "Mijas embellished thanks to the Local Enhancement Plan in which there has been no lack of initiatives related to our young and old. A municipality committed to diversity and multiculturalism in which the provision of all kinds of services was improved and expanded, adapting them to a town that already has more than 90,000 inhabitants".

  • The political stability of the PSOE and Cs coalition has been one of the pillars of this time in office |


"We continue to improve the Mijas urbanisations through our Asphalting Plan. We have finished the fourth edition and the fifth tenders for a value of 1.6 million euros, along with all the electrical and cleaning work we are carrying out in these urbanisations," said Martín. " Also highlighted "the road sign plan and the consequent road safety improvement. Furthermore, the excellence and the quality reach the Mijas beaches, placing them at the head of the European coastline. The sporting events that in addition to promoting healthy habits generate visits and tourism, or the promotion of the new PGOU that comes to adapt the plan to the Mijas reality".

To conclude, both Councillors stressed the town "will continue on the path of stability to continue working on the projects that are still pending, and those executed every day, such as the sustainable, respectful, cultural, enterprising and social town model that we want for Mijas".

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