Weather in Mijas

Lunes 06/01/2025


Mijas joins LGTBI Pride Day

  • In more than 70 countries, it is considered a crime to engage in homosexual relations
  • The councillor for Equality and Diversity, Natalia Martínez, read part of the manifesto

The municipality commemorated the day with a manifesto reading and the celebration of a gala last 28th afternoon

Mijas is a 'proud' municipality. This was made clear at the event which took place last 28th June, at midday, outside Mijas Town Hall, on the occasion of LGTBI Pride Day, where the reading of a manifesto emphasised one of the bases for a more respectful, fairer, more equal society... and, above all, a freer one. This event is a vindication of this freedom in love and relationships. In more than 70 countries, same-sex relationships are still considered a crime, and 13 of these countries have the death penalty as a punishment.

During the reading, they recalled that the city is part of the network of proud municipalities and condemned the increase in cases of LGTBI-phobia. "In Mijas, we shout again 'live, feel and love free', so say our proud spaces, so say our rainbow flag that flies 365 days a year".

  • The neighbour Ángel Hurtado took part in the event.

The Mijas Town Hall commitment to the group was also highlighted during the event. "This council aims to eradicating the hatred and discrimination that too many people suffer every day, and we are clear about the link between the increase in crime and the speeches that, based on lies, encourage hatred towards many people".

The event also highlighted the legislative advances that have been made this year for the protection of LGTBI people," The Law on Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination has already been approved by Congress, and very soon will be a legal instrument that victims of discrimination will be able to use to claim compensation for damages as discrimination will never be free again. We also celebrate the return of the right to access assisted reproduction of the National Health System to single women, lesbians and bisexuals, including trans people with gestational capacity, or the draft Law for Real and Effective Equality of Trans people and for the Guarantee of the Rights of LGTBI People".

Furthermore, education in the values of diversity was stressed. "It is necessary to incorporate in schools protocols and procedures that incorporate training in diversity in a transversal way at all educational levels, as well as training on sexual rights and reproductive rights, and that integrates sexual and family diversity, sowing the seeds of respect and equality from childhood".

The training campaigns carried out by Mijas Town Hall in the area of diversity were also highlighted. "Almost 600 young people from Mijas secondary schools have received training in 2022 for the prevention of LGTBI-phobia bullying, as well as awareness-raising actions in which our youth have been an active part of the campaigns and initiatives promoted by our Town Hall''.

  • Municipal worker Librada Moreno also collaborated in the reading of the document

After the manifiesto reading, applause in support of the LGTBI collective, which proudly celebrated this day.

During the reading they reminded us that the town is part of the network of proud municipalities and condemned the increase in cases of LGTBI-phobia. "In Mijas, we shout again 'live, feel and love free', so say our proud spaces, so say our rainbow flag that flies 365 days a year".


The Mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), declared that "we are proud of the diversity in our municipality, we not only show it every day in the way we implement municipal policies, but also by claiming and showing in events like today's that while there is only one person in our country who cannot live, feel or love freely, it is absolutely necessary that we continue to hold this type of protest events".

For her part, the Councillor for Equality and Diversity, Natalia Martínez (PSOE), condemned that "there is an increase in hate crimes suffered by this group, which is linked to the hate speeches that we are seeing lately, even in our institutions, which the only thing they do is encourage and empower those aggressive people who are still unable to tolerate that we live in a world full of diversity".
Like his fellow members of the government team, the spokesperson of the Municipal Group of Ciudadanos Mijas, José Carlos Martín, highlighted the actions carried out by the Town Hall and pointed out that the institutions have to be an example of tolerance and respect, while showing his support for the group: "We encourage the celebration of this day intended to give visibility, trying to seek normality among all the people of the group and Mijas, as it cannot be otherwise.We will always be a reference and will be with them in everything they need".

Finally, the non-attached councillor, Esperanza Jiménez, pointed out that "this day should not be celebrated, as in the 21st century it should be normalised for there to be diversity, of any kind, as this enriches the culture of a town".

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