Weather in Mijas

Viernes 03/05/2024


The Minister for Territorial Policy visits the Food Bank service in Mijas

  • The Minister (standing, 5th right), with the Mayor, the First Deputy Mayor, the Councillor for Social Services and members of the Red Cross |

Rodríguez also thanked the Red Cross volunteers who help in the management of this programme

The Territorial Policy Minister, Isabel Rodríguez, visited Mijas on Thursday the 9th to get to know one of the programs promoted by the Town Council during the pandemic, the Food Bank, which is managed by the local assembly of the Red Cross. Rodriguez showed great interest in this initiative which, during the difficult months of 2020, “provided a period of respite for more than 1,300 families in Mijas,” recalled the Mayor Josele Gonzalez (PSOE), who received the Minister at the headquarters of the Food Bank, along with a group of Councillors from the government team. 
During his speech, the Mayor of Mijas did not want to miss the opportunity to recognise the work of social groups and volunteers who, during the pandemic, “have fought hard with the administrations to help people who were in the most extreme distress”. 
The opinion was shared by the Territorial Policy Minister. She thanked the Mijas Red Cross volunteers, who continue to help in the Food Bank management, “and with their work, we are ensuring that fewer and fewer citizens in our country have to rely on this resource”. 

Food waste law
Taking advantage of her visit to the Food Bank, the Minister of Territorial Policy informed the audience of the law approved this week by the Council of Ministers, which aims to end food waste. According to Rodríguez, “every year, each person throws away 250 euros worth of unconsumed food. Hence the need to implement this new measure,” she said. “This law also aims to ensure that this waste can be transformed into animal feed or biodiesel as a fuel. Finally, the government spokeswoman also assured that this new regulation “has a clear component of solidarity, social justice, and a paradigm change, with a much more sustainable industry”. 

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