Weather in Mijas

Viernes 27/09/2024


Youth Department resumes its project 'Atrévete con Europa' ('Dare Europe')

  • An information office opens every Monday and Thursday, from 5 to 8 pm
  • The Youth Councillor, Tamara Vera, with municipal technicians.

Youth exchanges, volunteering and solidarity actions are part of this programme

For the Youth Department, this is its flagship project. 'Atrévete con Europa' is back, a programme that will allow young people from the municipality aged between 13 and 30 to carry out youth exchanges, volunteering or solidarity actions in many European countries.

"After two years without this initiative due to the pandemic, we are resuming one of the most awaited projects by the young people of the municipality, 'Dare to Europe' information office will be located as in previous years in the Youth area facilities on Mondays and Thursdays from 5 pm to 8 pm. Young people can come and get information and undertake a unique adventure from which they always come back with the desire to repeat", says Tamara Vera (PSOE), Councillor for Youth. She emphasised that "these activities are initiatives subsidised through European funds, financing almost 100% of the projects".

As Vera recalled in recent years, 'Atrévete con Europa' has carried out an annual average of 12 projects, and local young people have been actively involved in the process "from start to finish. They decide from the flight to the activities they want to do, or what they are going to highlight with other young Europeans in Spain, which strengthens even more if possible the union that the group has".

'Atrévete con Europa' is carried out in three main areas, as Pedro Muñoz, the Intercambia Youth Association project coordinator, explained. "Firstly, we find the youth exchanges, which allow groups of young people to join together and carry out solidarity actions through cultural coexistence with young people from other countries based on a theme that interests them. We also found the European body of solidarity or international volunteering, which allows young people from Mijas to go for two to 12 months to any country in the European Union to do solidarity actions and, finally, solidarity projects".

According to the area, the first exchange to be launched after the pandemic will be announced in a few days in the municipality.

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