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Viernes 20/09/2024


The IES Sierra de Mijas students visit the Cortijo Acebedo archaeological site

The students visited this archaeological site last Friday |

Students were given a guided tour of this 1,200-year-old site during their visit

"We like to share our work," said the Cortijo de Acebedo site's archaeologist, Carmen Benítez. "We have been excavating and digging up the remains of this site for many years. We want to inform visitors about the life that lived here in the past," she added.

Therefore, the IES Sierra de Mijas second year students' visited these ruins discovered at the beginning of the 90s of the last century.  Students expressed their surprise when they saw the site: "I expected it to be much smaller, and I didn't know it was guided", said student Jorge Rojas, who wanted to "thank this kind of excursions. For me, and many like me who are hesitating to study Translation or History, this activity helps us to make up our minds". Miguel Bueno, Jorge's classmate said, "I knew there were Phoenician, Roman or Greek sites not only here, but throughout Andalusia, but I did not expect the magnitude of the site, and even less to be here in Mijas".

The Historical Heritage Councillor, Laura Moreno (PSOE), said that these students "have seen on the ground a site that is already an icon in the province. For this reason, we continue to add value, for it to be a great historical, archaeological and, of course, tourist reference".

The students are committed to the municipality's historical memory, as they believe that it should be preserved. "Some students want to study history, and others are studying art history in high school this year. This excursion works as a practical archaeology class that can guide them in their future study choice," said the school's teacher Carmen Alcaide.

The archaeologists working in the field say they would like to continue excavating to provide more information about the site and inform all interested visitors about the ruins found.

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