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Mijas commemorates Andalusian Day with the flag hoisting and an institutional act

  • The programme also included dance and music performances

The Mijas Mayor, José González, during his speech at the Andalusia Day ceremony.

The Mayor and the Senior's dance workshop hoisted the flag.

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February.

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February.

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February.

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February.

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February.

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February.

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February.

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February.

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February.

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February.

The Town Hall celebrated 28F this year. Last year, it was impossible due to health restrictions

Mijas celebrated Andalusia Day, on Monday 28th February, with an institutional act in Las Lagunas. The traditional hoisting of the Andalusian flag by the Mijas Mayor, Josele González (PSOE), and the  Senior Citizens dance workshop students', together with the Andalusian anthem, were the cornerstones of a commemoration which also included various music and dance performances. The Feli and Berni Gabriel groups put their art on stage, while Ana Serrano sang the Andalusian anthem accompanied by Hugo Dogma guitar and the violinist Jesús González. The performances, which took place in Andalusia Park, were closed by the Mijas Music Band.

28F commemorates the "essence" of the Andalusians "as a people". "A people who 42 years ago voted for the autonomy of our land, our beloved Andalusia, a reflection of the spirit of self-improvement and commitment of its people," the Mayor said, recalling the previous demonstrations and the death of García Caparrós in one of them by a gunshot. In his speech, he also had words for the Mijas' senior citizens, mentioned their "strength" during the pandemic. Also, "for vindicating" the Andalusia legacy, for their "daily sacrifice to build a stronger and more prosperous land", for their "generosity and hospitality to others", and their "uncompromising defence of our accent without complexes". He also stressed the importance of equality to continue to advance "as a people, as an autonomous community and as a country" and highlighted Andalusia's "hospitality" in welcoming other citizens.

The Mijas Mayor appreciated commemorating this day, after the event, despite the weather forecast. He also recalled how the pandemic prevented it due to health restrictions last year: "We have been able to celebrate it with our elders, with our neighbours in Las Lagunas. I have also seen many children who are enjoying a festive day. I would like to thank all the neighbourhood groups and associations, not only those who have attended this institutional event but also those who carry out events on Andalusia Day, in their different venues, spaces and neighbourhoods. Thanks to all of them, we make this day a little bigger".

The commemoration produced many feelings, among them the joy of being able to celebrate this day after the previous one was prevented by COVID-19: "Many feelings come together. Firstly, to celebrate Andalusia Day again. Last year, unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we were unable to do so. Secondly, it makes us feel proud of the 42nd Statute of Autonomy anniversary, in which our traditions, our roots and the feeling of being Andalusian is valued", said the First Deputy Mayor and spokesperson for Cs in the Mijas Town Hall, José Carlos Martín.

For his part, the PP spokesman, Ángel Nozal, stressed that the commemoration of this day "is fundamental as it was through a referendum that was the product of a widespread mobilisation in almost all of Andalusia. At that time, Almeria was in other stories, and gigantic". Besides, the non-attached Councillor Juan Carlos Maldonado, the National Deputy Fuensanta Lima, and the former Mayor Antonio Sánchez, as well as representatives of the State security forces and the Local Police, were also in the event.


Support for Ukraine

There were support messages for the Ukrainian population during this emotional day. The Mayor made an aside "to convey on behalf of the entire Mijas city, our most sincere affection and support for the 900 Ukrainians living in our city" and so that "today as Andalusians, men and women of peace, we raise a loud and clear 'no' to war, 'yes' to peace". "First Deputy Mayor and spokesperson for Cs. Moreover, Nozal affirmed that "Ukraine is currently going through a situation that no one would like to live through and which I hope will end soon through negotiations and not by arm forces and tanks".

In addition to the institutional act, various groups and neighbourhood associations celebrated Andalusia Day, including the Tamisa Neighbourhood Association, which held activities throughout the morning at its headquarters. It is a day for all Andalusians to celebrate for many reasons and regardless of age. For little Micaela Noemí Sánchez, the main one is that Andalusia is her "land".

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