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The Mijas Taxi fleet obtains the renewal of its visas

  • The measure is included in the Public Passenger Transport Service Municipal Ordinance
  • A policeman requests his documents to a taxi driver in front of the Transport and Mobility Councillor Nicolás Cruz |

In order to improve the quality of the service, offer the maximum guarantees to its users and safety, the taxi drivers renew their visas during these days

The Mijas Transport and Mobility Area in collaboration with the Local Police are carrying out the renewal of visas for taxi drivers in the municipality, as stated in articles12 and 46 of the MijasTown Hall Municipal Ordinance for the Public Passenger Transport Service in Tourist Cars. "It is a practice that we have been doing in recent years, which has not been interrupted during the pandemic, but has been intensified in some aspects to be reviewed. Its purpose is, to ensure that the Mijas taxi service provided, is the best possible for users," said the Transport and Mobility Councillor, Nicolás Cruz (PSOE).

In order to obtain this visa, it is necessary that the 114 taxi drivers, who are part of the Mijas taxi fleet, have all the documentation in order. "We check the transport card and the licence, circulation licence, insurance, MOT and driving licence," said the Local Police officer, Antonio Guerrero.

  • This measure verifies that the taxis provide a service with maximum guarantees |

An inspection of the vehicle providing the service is also carried out, says Guerrero: "The vehicle is checked to ensure that it is clean, we check the fare, the licence, complaint forms, the taximeter seal and the fire extinguisher is visible and accessible to the user".

In this sense, it is a measure that is supported by the taxi drivers themselves, and is valued by the users, says Cruz: "This must be valued because Mijas Taxi users' can check it every day, and can verify that the conditions in which the services are provided are of maximum guarantee, something that cannot be said of other transport alternatives that operate in parallel to the taxi, and are not subject to this control".

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