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Mijas and the Junta de Andalucía discuss the speeding up of the dependency aid

  • The Regional Government highlights the Mijas Town Hall social policies
  • The meeting was held last Thursday in the Mijas Town Hall Mayor's office.

The Mijas Mayor and the Equality Delegate advocate collaboration between institutions for the places agreement in the future elderly residence

Dependency Aid or the Regional Government (Junta de Andalucía) collaboration for places arrangement in the future Mijas elderly residence is two of the issues that the city Mayor, Josele González (PSOE), the First Deputy Mayor, José Carlos Martín (Cs), and the Social Services Councillor, Hipólito Zapico (PSOE), have addressed with the Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation Delegate, María Dolores Fernández. The meeting was held last Thursday at the Mijas Town Hall.

One of the issues addressed was simplifying the bureaucratic procedures to avoid a long time before receiving dependency aid. "While the resolutions of the Regional Government dependency aid arrive, the City Council along with Ayuda a Domicilio (Homecare Help) are palliating that situation. It is true that if we can reduce the year and a half or two years waiting time to a more reasonable time, it will be much better for family members and beneficiaries," said the Mayor. He added that "I know that the Regional Government is already working on it.  

The Regional Government points out that a pilot project was launched in September last year and will end in March. It will simplify all administrative procedures to one. "Once the figures confirm the programme success, which in the months we have been running it is proving to be so, we will establish the necessary regulatory change so that this dependency procedure can be reduced and we can shorten both the file procedure and the waiting lists even further," said Fernández.

The delegate also pointed out that they have recently reached an agreement with the disability sector, after several years of standstill, "which will guarantee the sustainability of the disability sector by increasing the cost per place/room of residential resources for disabled people", said Fernández.  

For his part, the Mayor highlighted the Town Hall commitment to the different plans promoted by Mijas Town Hall. In the field of disability, he highlighted the work carried out by Adimi, in the disability area, and AFAM, in the Alzheimer's Area. They received 80,000 and 60,000 euros, respectively: "It is much easier this group path sustainability. In the last two years, they had a bad time for the pandemic, as they saw their income reduced. It is essential for economic contributions and the arrangement of places. In this case, the Regional Government (Junta de Andalucía) has to guarantee a project that is essential in villages and large cities like Mijas," said González.

  • During her visit to the centre, the delegate learned about the work carried out by the Mijas Association of Alzheimers Patients and Relatives

Residence for the elderly

In addition to speeding up the procedures for dependency aids, the Mayor and the delegate put the future elderly residence issue on the table so that it can become a reality as soon as possible. "It is a project that we are preparing from the Town Hall. We are working with the Regional Ministry so that it is a project that is born with all the needs covered, with all the centre regulations so that it is possible to arrange places so that it does not need any kind of subsequent patching up", said the Mayor, who summarised that, "in short, we are carrying out preliminary work that we understand is essential for this elderly residency. It is going to be one of the largest in Malaga, and the first public residence in Mijas, to become a reality as soon as possible".

In this sense, the Andalusian Regional Government, through its delegate, declared that "we understand that Mijas, with more than 80,000 inhabitants, needs a residential centre adapted to the needs of the 21st century". Fernández pointed out that the Regional Government is working on a model "centred on people, based on proximity, and satisfying users' basic needs".

For building collaboration bridges between the two public institutions, the delegate stated that "of course, we will work together, and as soon as Mijas has the tender, the project will be presented and construction will begin. Mijas is a municipality with many inhabitants that needs this construction, especially if it is going to depend on the municipal entity".

  • After the AFAM centre visit, the delegate and the Mayor and part of the municipal corporation arrived at the Adimi centre

Social commitment in Mijas

During the meeting Fernández underlined the Mijas Government team commitment and work in social matters: "Mijas people are fortunate to have a corporation that values social services very much. Proof of this is the Town Hall subsidies to the entities or the Homecare programme. I believe collaboration must exist between all the institutions. It should always be for the good and benefit of the users and residents of the municipalities. Mijas is one of the cases where this purpose is fulfilled".

For his part, the Mayor thanked the delegate for her interest in knowing  Mijas peoples' problems: "It is true, in this mandate we have already received several Junta de Andalucía's members, whom I would like to thank for their willingness. I am sure both administrations will work to solve citizens' problems, which is precisely what Mijas people want.

  • The meeting was held last Thursday in the Mijas Town Hall Mayors office

Also, the delegate wanted to know the work done by social groups in the municipality, so together with the Mayor and part of the municipal corporation visited the centre of AFA Mijas and Adimi. Fernández highlighted the great work that these entities do with Alzheimer's patients and their families, along with functional diversity patients, highlighting the value of the services they provide.

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