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Lunes 23/09/2024


Greenlight for the two access bridges to the Great Park of the Costa del Sol

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The infrastructures will be located at Venta La Morena and Andalusia Avenue and will connect this area of Las Lagunas

A new administrative advance for the Great Costa del Sol Park to become a reality for the people of Mijas, in an area of 350,000 square metres, in the ‘El Ahogadero’ area. The two access bridges to this large green area, similar in size to the Maria Luisa Park in Seville, have already all the favourable sectoral reports to be developed, as announced on Thursday 3rd, the Mijas Mayor, Josele González (PSOE); the First Deputy Mayor and the Infrastructure and Works Councillor, José Carlos Martín (Cs), and the Urban Planning Councillor, Andrés Ruiz (Cs). “Today, we have received approval to begin working on the modification of the drafting of the project, and the future construction of two bridges, which have been talked about for years, and which are essential for Las Lagunas the connections,” said the Councillor, who explained where both infrastructures would run. “On the one hand, the future bridge would connect the Andalusia Avenue to the cemetery area. Besides, the project has been modified to respect the archaeological site, that we have in the area,” he said, referring to the remains of the Cortijo Acebedo, which we want to “continue to enhance”. On the other hand, the second bridge “would pass through the vicinity of Venta de la Morena and would connect with the long-awaited works on Camino de Campanales”, said the Mayor. Both accesses and the new green area “will transform the area around Las Lagunas into one of the best areas of the municipality”. Both the Great Costa del Sol Park and the accesses have taken “a lot of technical and bureaucratic work”, added the Mayor. In this regard, Martín recalled that the project is “six years in the making” and that, along the way, it has had to split in two: “In 2017, we drafted the park and the bridges, which a year later we had to separate into two different projects. Nevertheless, the latter needed a ‘unified environmental authorisation’ which would delay the execution of the large green area.” The Infrastructures and Works Councillor argued that Mijas Town Hall is now “ready to put out to tender the first phase, which is for the Great Park works during this year. It will be added, later on, these two infrastructures once we adapt the project for the bridges to the option that Culture has chosen from the four we offered, to save the site”. Martín also stressed that the two bridges will improve mobility in the area and help to prevent flooding.

  • Bridge 1: Venta La Morenaa area |

Included in the POT
In addition, the Great Costa del Sol Park will be a reference in Andalusia. In this regard, the Town Planning Councillor pointed out that “the ‘Costa del Sol Territorial Planning (POT) which is being processed, has been locating large general systems and facilities that are important at a regional level. For this reason, Town Planning proposed, in the allegations to that plan, that the regional park be included, and in the initial document it has already been set as a recreational park that is important in the autonomous community of Andalusia”. For Ruiz, this green area is also going to be “a great recreational, leisure and sports area”, as well as “a tourist meeting point in the province”.

An initiative in two phases: phase 1, the Great Park
The new Las Lagunas Park includes the requests that have been technically adapted. They were requested by the residents, through a participative email, and a drawing and writing competition was carried out in the Mijas schools. Later on, the project was drawn up and all the favourable reports from the Junta de Andalucía after overcoming obstacles such as flooding. After obtaining the approval of the accesses to this large leisure and recreational area, Mijas Town Hall has announced that it will put out to tender, this year, the construction works of this enclosure in the area of ‘El Ahogadero’, where it will cover 350,000 square metres, as it does not depend on another administration to carry out the project.

  • Bridge 2: Andalusia Avenue |

Phase 2, the accesses
The other ongoing project necessary for the construction of the Great Costa del Sol Park is the construction of the accesses, with two bridges, and the car parks, which has already been approved by the Andalusian Government. Now, the original access project has to be adapted to the requirements of the Andalusian Cultural Council. The accesses project had to be separated from the original Great Park project because, once it had been drawn up, the Town Council began the first geological surveys and found the archaeological site of Cortijo Acebedo, of enormous heritage value, right where one of the bridges passed with piles that could have damaged the discovery, so it was rejected, according to the Town Council. For this reason, then, they presented three other options. The second was an infrastructure with only one intermediate pile. The third one, a suspension bridge, and the fourth, a change of layout. In the end, the Culture Delegation opted for the last option, “which is the one that is going to be carried out by the Department of Works”, they added.

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